Tuesday, 30 April 2013

hops, valerian root and passion flower, there are so many disorders that this product can help

This is one of the best products that I sell due to some of my clients not sleeping properly.

Feeds the nervous system with many elements it needs to maintain health. The combination is a natural source of selenium, zinc, niacin and vitamin C.

Hops grows throughout Europe, Asia and North America, and belongs to the same group of plants as the stinging nettle. It is perhaps best known for its use in beer brewing. Hops gives beer its distinctive taste and protects freshness.
The female flower, which resembles a glober artichoke, is the part used by brewers. It yields essential oils and resins which give hops its aroma and beer its taste. The male flowers, incidentally, are born on separate plants and are different in appearance.
It is also valuable as a food as it possesses nervine properties. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia states hops is specific for restlessness associated with nervous tension, headache, and indigestion.

Even though valerian is a large attractive plant with small white or pink flowers, its fragrance is not one of its major strong suits. Both the Greek doctor Dioscorides and the Roman doctor Galen complained about the smell of valerian in their writings. The only way to describe it is a cross between the odor of rotten cheese and dirty socks. In spite of its malodorous properties, valerian was hailed throughout the Middle Ages as and "all heal" herb. Held in great esteem by practitioners of the ages, valerian has been used for numerous disorders, mostly related to the nervous system.

Therapeutic ActionsValerian can be classified in many different therapeutic categories. It is one of the best nervine herbs for its efficacy in treating disorders of the nervous system and in calming the entire body. Other categories include anodyne (pain reliever), anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiemetic, carminative (tones, soothes, and stimulates the digestive and elimination systems), sedative, hypnotic, antihypertensive, and antibacterial.

IndicationsThe herb valerian is most effective in treating a wide range of stress conditions such as irritability, depression, fear, anxiety, nervous exhaustion, hysteria, delusions, and nervous tension. It is also indicated for patients who suffer from insomnia. Valerian not only eases the trouble of falling asleep but also improves the quality of sleep during the night.
After taking valerian, a patient will wake up very rested and alert without the grogginess seen with some over-the-counter sleeping pills. As a pain reliever, the herb is useful for treating tension headaches, migraine headaches, arthritis, and sore muscles.
Valerian has also been found to be effective in a number of nerve disorders. The herb is useful for treating shingles, sciatica,neuralgia, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. Symptoms suggestive of peripheral neuropathy such as numbness, tingling sensation, pain, and muscle weakness are effectively controlled with the use of valerian. It has also been used to treat attention deficit disorder in adults.
The herb has also found a role in treating a variety of nervous disorders in children. In one German study, an extract of valerian root was given to 120 children with a wide variety of behavioral disorders such as restlessness, sleep disorders, hyperactivity, learning disorders, bed wetting, anxiety, headache, and the habits of thumb sucking and nail biting. After three weeks of using valerian extract daily, 75 percent of the children showed marked improvement of their conditions without any toxicity or negative side effects.
In ancient Rome, valerian was used to treat certain heart conditions. Through its positive action on the autonomic nervous system, the herb is effective in treating tachycardia by slowing down the heart at the same time gently increasing its force. It also is effective in regulating arrhythmias. Along with a stabilizing effect on the blood pressure, valerian is an anti- thrombotic that can be used to prevent the formation of blood clots.
This stabilizing effect is also seen on the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Valerian calms the stomach while encouraging the release of digestive enzymes and reducing the pain and discomfort of ulcers. In the colon, the herb alleviates cramps, gas, and diarrhea, and has a soothing effect on the bowel with colitis. Valerian has also proved helpful in the treatment of asthma.
Unlike other sedatives and drugs, valerian has none of the side effects or dependency risk that these have. In addition there is no synergistic effect when the herb is taken with alcohol. It can also be taken safely along with other prescription drugs. Valerian is used extensively in Europe where it is accepted by orthodox medicine. It is found in many over-the- counter preparations used to treat a variety of nervous disorders.

Passion Flower leaves have been used traditionally as a mild calmative. In fact, Algonquin Indians used passion flower tea to help soothe their nerves.
The flavonoids in passion flower are the primary constituents responsible for its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects. It can be used safely even for small children. In Italy the plant drug is used to treat hyperactive children. In Europe passion flower is recommended as an anti-anxiety treatment and in this context, it is often combined with valerian and hops.
Passion flower supports the nervous system in a variety of ways. It has been historically used for a variety of ailments, from insomnia, dysmenorrhea, nervous tension, and fatigue, to muscle spasms.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

How harmful can some foods be???

You should really read the labels before you put things into your mouth and if you don't understand what something is then look on the internet, as somethings can be really hazardous to your health. Many people believe if something is sold to you as a supplement, vitamin, herb or super food that it is good for you, I am here to tell you that not everything is what it seems. There are deaths due to the pharmaceutical companies putting lots of hidden toxins into the products.
China is well known for their Chinese herbs and are sold all over the world. You can go back 100's of years at their medicine. China is one of the most polluted nations on the planet, and the vegetables, fruit and herbs are exported all over the world.
Soy protein which is used in protein bars is a junk protein. It is made from genetically modified soybeans (grown in China). It is then subjected to hexane which is a  highly explosive chemical and is very dangerous to the environment.
Textured vegetable protein TVP is also made from soy protein. TVP is widely used in vegetarian foods such as veggie burgers, most of which contain MSG or yeast extract.
Yeast extract is a hidden form of Monosodium glutomate MSG that contains free glutamate. Yeast extract is used so that food manufacturers can label products NO MSG, as we know that MSG is bad for us so therefore we look out for it on the labels. Food manufacturers use yeast extract to put in canned soups, microwave dinners, crisps, and in vegetarian foods.These foods are loaded with chemicals yeast extract contains up to 14% free glutamate. Other known hidden names for MSG is autolyzed yeast extract, torula yeast, and hydrolyzed vegetable protein.
Autolyzed protein are highly processed form containing free glutamate and used to mimic taste enhancer chemical MSG.


Monday, 22 April 2013

This graph shows how great Solstic Energy is, it lasts so much longer than coffee, tea, why not try for yourself, hardly any calories either. Just follow the link to find out more

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Are you getting the right amount of protein???

It vital our diets contain protein either from animals or plant sources.
Protein provides the body with 10 to 15% of its dietary energy. We need protein for growth and repair. Protein are large molecules made up of amino acid.
Some amino acids are nutritionally essential as they cannot be made or stored in the body, so it must come from our food.

Animal protein contains the right amount of essential amino acid for an adult, but we should not rely on red meat being the only animal source as eating red meat in limited amounts can lead to high levels of saturated fats which can lead to raised blood levels. Cholesterol/cardiovascular disease. The world cancer research fund recommended 500g per week.
Choosing poultry, fish or shellfish would be advised.
Fish is a good source of protein (salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, trout, and sardines as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acid reducing the risks or cardiovascular disease. Shellfish is also great and low in fat.

Did you know?????

Eggs contain all 8 essential amino acids, but you would have to eat 8 eggs per day to get the right amount of protein.

Vegans and vegetarians rely on plant sources for the daily protein, but plant sources don't have the essential amino acids. Eating a balanced diet of nuts, seeds, beans, pulses, vegetable protein foods, soya products all of which contain protein. Grains and dairy foods have small amounts of protein.

Choosing the right protein (low-fat) can keep your heart healthy, keep cholesterol down, and minimise risk of developing cardiovascular disease.Are y


Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Fats and Sugars


Fat foods are important for us as and energy source but they don't have many other nutrients, they contain more calories so try to not consume to many cakes, bisuits, sweets, sugars, sweetened drinkds and crisps.

Did you know???

Jam Doughnuts contain 10.9g fat
I slice of malt loaf contain 0.7g fat
teaspoon peanut butter contains 5.4g fat
A pint of whole milk contains 22.8g fat

The recommended fats make up no more than 35% of energy in your diet and saturated fats should provide less than 11% of total energy intake.
Women 70% of total fat per day
Men 95% of total fat per day

There are 2 main groups of fats saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats is generally solid at room temperature and usually from animal sources, lard, butter, hard margarine, cheese, whole milk. Its also the white fat on red meat and underneath poultry skin.
Eating too much saturated fat is associated with increased blood cholesterol and increased risk of heart disease.
Polyunsaturated fats contain inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids and its the balance of these with omega-3s which is important.
Transfats or hydrogenated unsaturated fats are in our foods and are unhealthy.
Unsaturated fat is usually liquid at room temperature and comes from vegetable sources.Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are both included in this group. Unsaturated vegetable oils are generally a healthier option to saturated fat.
Unsaturated fat are found in sesame, sunflower, soya, olive and rapeseed oil, soft margarine and in oily fish (mackeral, sardines, pilchards and salmon)

Fat facts:-

Fat transports the fat - soluble vitamin A, D and K around the body
Can improve flavour and perception of foods
Supllies essential nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids
keyrole in membrane structure
Cushions and protects internal organs
Stored in adipose tissue (a thick layer of tissue under the skin) as a long tem fuel reserve. Excess fat amy also accumulate around the organs especially in the abdominal cavity

Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.


There are two types of sugar, those found naturally in fruit and milk (which are fine and don't need to be cut down) and those that are added to the diet.
Added sugars are found in confectionery, soft drinks, desserts and breakfast cereal. Added sugar is a great source of energy, but doesn't have any nutrients. Sugary food/drink pose a threat to dental health. Even the sugars in honey and fruit juices can cause dental problems.
Only enjoy sugary drinks and sugary foods at meal times and brush your teeth.
Sugary drinks have been blamed for obesity. To reduce sugary food swap drinks for water, low-fat milk, artificial sweeteners, swap sugary snacks for fruit, teacakes/malt loaf.
Don't put sugar in tea, coffee and buy reduced sugar varities of jams, buy canned fruit in natural juice rather than syrup.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

How fibre works, and how we get it



Dietary fibre is found in fruit, vegetables and whole grains, it is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fibre can't be fully digested and is often called bulk or roughage.
There are 2 types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble.
Soluble fibre can dissolve in water it is found in beans, fruit and oat products, it helps to lower blood fats and maintain blood sugar.
Insoluble fibre can't dissolve in water so it passes through the digestive system.
It is found in whole grain products and vegetables which increases the rate at which food passes through the gut.


Carbohydrates is your bodies main source of energy.  Bread, pasta, rice, noodles, capatti, cereals.Potatoes.
The foods listed (apart from potatoes) are produced from grains such as wheat, corn or rice, these should be part of your daily intake per meal but only filling one third of the plate.
Carbohydrates come in two forms refined and unrefined.
Refined grains have been striped of their outer bran coating and inner germ during the milling process leaving only endosperm. They include white rice, white bread and white pasta.
In the whole grain the bran, germ and endosperm are all present. The bran is a good source of fibre the germ is a good source of fibre the germ is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals and endosperm supplies the carbohydrates.
Unrefined or whole grain provide more nutrients than the refined grains.
Whole grains are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants to help against coronary heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes. Studies have shown people who eat 3 or more servings of whole grains a day are less likely to suffer from heart disease.
Porridge, muesli, whole wheat cereals, wholegrain foods, brown rice, whole barley, rye bread, rye crackers, oat cakes, popcorn (check the salt and sugar content)

Friday, 12 April 2013


Migraines are really nasty, horrible, headaches which can be debilitating.

Migraines have been given  names to  help Doctors diagnose and help treat patients. The 2 most common forms of Migraines, Migraine with aura and Migraine without aura.

Aura is the change in the cortex area of the brain which changes in the sight, such as dark spots, flashing lights, coloured spots, zig zag lines, sparkles or stars. Numbness or tingling can occur, weakness, dizziness or vertigo can also happen. Speech and hearing can be disturbed, feeling of fear or confusion and more rarely partial paralysis or fainting. These neurological symptoms are called aura with migraine.  In Adults these symptoms happen before the headache, but in children they happen at the same time as the headache.  

  1. Aura
    The aura of migraine includes a wide range of neurological symptoms. This stage can last for between 5 and 30 minutes, and usually happens before the headache. Only 15% of migraine sufferers have aura. Migraine without aura does not include this stage.
  2. The headache
    This stage involves head pain which can be severe, even unbearable. The headache is typically throbbing, and made worse by movement. Some sufferers describe a pressing or tightening pain. The headache is usually on one side of the head, especially at the start of an attack. Some sufferers get pain on both sides of the head, or over the forehead, but not usually at the back of the head. Nausea (sickness) and vomiting (being sick) can happen at this stage, and the sufferer may feel sensitive to light or sound, or both.
  3. Resolution
    Most attacks slowly fade away, but some stop suddenly after the sufferer is sick, or cries a lot. Sleep seems to be the best 'cure' for many sufferers, who find that even an hour or two can be enough to end an attack. Many children find that sleeping for just a few minutes can stop their attack.
  4. Recovery
    This is the final stage of an attack, and it can take hours or days for a ‘hangover’ type feeling to disappear. Symptoms can be similar to those of the first stage, and often they are mirrored symptoms. For example, if you lost your appetite at the beginning of the attack, you might be very hungry now. If you were tired, now you might feel full of energy.
Avoiding food artificial sweeteners and additives really help to prevent a migraine attack, Artificial sweeteners, preservatives and flavour enhancers such as mono sodium glutamate are known to create severe migraines.
Sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin and Splenda can be replaced with stevia, a naturally sweet herb with no known side effects and no calories.

Avoiding foods that might trigger a migraine attack can feel like a punishment but if it reduces the amount of migraine attacks it would be worth it.
Chocolate, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, sodas, refined sugars, genetically modified foods, gluten-containing grains, aged cheese and peanuts are some of the common culprits.

Adding tryptophan to your diet will help to reduce the migraine attacks, tryptophan is one of the ten essential  amino acids, stimulates the production of the brain transmitter dopamine, which contributes to the release of serotonin. Migraine relief often results in the flow of serotonin which elevates moods, relieves anxiety and tension and relaxes tiny muscles around the capillaries in the scalp.
I used to suffer with migraines and when an attack came on I would end up in bed for a couple of days. I started to keep a diary to see if I could find out what was triggering the migraine attack:-
What time did I wake up
How many times in the night did I wake 
What did I eat or drink that day
How much TV did I watch
How much computer work did I do
Did I open my bowel
Did I travel 
What was my emotional state that day
All these points were really helpful in finding out the trigger points, I found that if I didn't eat my breakfast and lunch then I that would start an attack, I found that not opening my bowels for a couple of days would start a headache which could lead to a migraine. There seemed to be lots of triggers that would start an attack, so I changed my diet and the way that I was leading my life, not getting to stressed was a big help.

There are lots of treatments that you can get from the Doctor or over the counter medications, but these have side effects and have lots of harmful chemicals in them. I found that taking nutri-calm has really helped me which is a supplement that I take a twice a day. I have put a link which will hopefully help you, all you have to do is answer a few questions and wait for the results.


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

About why I started the business and the top sellers explained

I started my business due to my Son having Dyspraxia.  The symptons are muscle weakness, muscle pain, feeling tired, having no energy, not concentrating.
My friend said to take the lifestyle analysis which I did, I was shocked at the results not really believing that this would work. She explained that the products that were listed would really help within a few weeks we would see the difference, she logged the analysis so that when we took it again in 3 months we should see the improvement. She also told me there was a 90 day money back guarantee. Here are some that we use.
After the 3 months we retook the test, (already knowing that it had worked) and the improvement was really significant.
The benefits are so huge,as this very large company employs Nutritionists  Biologists, Pharmacists and Herbalists and personal trainers who are all available to give advice if needed. They put the raw materials and end products through up to 600 tests, to make sure that the quality is 100% pure with no chemicals, radiation or any other bad things.
The price of having a product that is 100% natural ingredients and that works is amazing. I decided to start up myself and let people know how wonderful the products were. The price for the business was FREE to start. I received a free customisable website and all the tools I needed to train and start me off.


Skeletal Strength is the Key System Product designed specifically for the structural system
This unique combination provides Calcium, which is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth, and contributes to normal muscle function
Vitamin A, helps to maintain the normal function of the immune system, and the maintenance of normal skin, mucous membranes and vision. It also contributes to normal iron metabolism
Vitamin C which is used for normal collagen formation and for the normal functioning of the bones, cartilage, teeth and skin


Provides nutrients for the nervous system and brain
Helps us settle when life becomes too much of a challenge
Helps to replenish vitamins that are often depleted in times of stress
Vitamin C and B-Vitamins contribute to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue
Yeast free formula, suitable for vegetarians


It provides all the essential amino acids your body needs, combined with cruciferous vegetables, vitamins, minerals and herbs to aid absorption
As well as being certified non GM and virtually fat free
SynerProTein contains no: Dairy, Wheat, Gluten, Cholesterol, Yeast or Artificial Additives
Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans also available in original vanilla flavour


Supply powerful nutrients that give the body energy and vitality
Maintain a healthy immune system
Neutralise free radicals throughout the body


Potent Omega-3 supplement, guaranteed free from radiation, heavy metals, and forms of marine pollution
Provides 1140mg of EPA and 570mg DHA per daily dose of 3 capsules
Natural Lemon Oil has been added as a preservative and for a pleasant taste
Omega-3’s have been well researched and found to have multiple health benefits across most body systems helping manage behaviour problems in adolescents and young adults, and to help to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system
The formation of healthy brain and eye tissue during foetal development, and maintaining them into old age
Many fitness industry professionals use Omega-3 EFA’s to help clients with weight management
Skin conditions, including dry skin and eczema have also shown improvement
Each capsule is hermetically sealed during encapsulation to prevent oxygen reacting with the oils


18 different sources of soluble and insoluble fibre
12 vitamins and 11 minerals essential for healthy growth and good health
Contains Vitamin C to help protect against free radical damage, maintain the normal functioning of the immune system and nervous system, and normal collagen formation. Increases iron absorption and contributes towards a reduction in tiredness and fatigue
Antioxidants – contains beta-carotene, lycopene and other carotenoids
Has a great orange taste that the whole family can enjoy
Contains no added sugar
Loclo is another fibre drink which is suitable for vegetarian/vegan
A natural approach to enhancing Energy and Fitness:-
Good nutrition and athletic performance go hand in hand. When we strive to achieve excellence and endurance our bodies need the support of a daily diet that is high in good quality nutrition so that the body has all the elements it needs to stay fit, repair damage and build muscles.
When it comes to energy and fitness, you can rely on Nature Sunshine to provide you with the high performance supplements you need. We sell our top quality products in over 60 countries through our network of dedicated distributors, many of whom specialise in sport, fitness and weight loss.
Supplements can keep you going for longer, help protect you from oxidtive stress, and get you back on your feet following illness or injury.

We have Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors who advise their clients to take the lifestyle analysis, then before starting a diet or begin to train they advise them to take the following supplements to help them reach their personal goals.
 This highly effective cleanse is designed to be taken alongside a normal healthy diet. Results will be enhanced if you omit red meat, caffeine and alcohol from your diet during the programme. Drink pleny of water whilst using the programme.

The Healthy Starter Programme includes;                

A powerful and effective ten day course of five cleansing herbal products which collectively help cleanse the whole body of cellular waste.

A great tasting ‘minty drink’ you  can  enjoy throughout the day. Add Liquid Chlorophyll to water for a great tasting drink that leaves the breath minty fresh, and is a valued addition to your cleanse programme.

A high potency, multi strain probiotic supplement which provides almost 12 billion bacteria per serving. The eleven strains of bacteria in Probiotic Eleven ensure you replenish your gut with a variety of beneficial flora, and each capsule contains a built-in prebiotic to nourish and spread the bacteria throughout the gut.

Solstic Energy gives you the stamina you need wherever and whenever you need it! It’s a fantastic alternative to Coffee, Tea, Fizzy drinks and other ‘energy’ drinks that provide a quick, sugar-fueled rush followed by an abrupt, vitality-sapping crash.  Helps energy release from carbohydrates, the main source of fuel for the body. Your body needs to constantly replenish water-soluble Bvitamins to support energy levels and fight the draining effects of the day.


Yerba Maté, a powerful herb that has been used for thousands of years in the jungles of South America to increase endurance
Green tea extracts, rich in properties that help increase energy and vitality
Guarana seed contains a naturally occurring caffeine that promotes a gradual, sustained increase in alertness
B Vitamins, the most important vitamins for helping release the energy you need to work all day
Solstic Energy also includes sucralose, a sweetener created from natural sugar that has been proven safe through over twenty years of in depth scientific analysis
Contains only 12 calories, no fat and only 3g of Carbohydrates.
Low Glycaemic Index, and contains no pharmaceutical grade caffeine

Solstic Slim has been specially formulated to help you towards your target weight in a number of ways. The four key herbal ingredients have been chosen for their unique benefits and prepared in a way which maximises their potency.
Solstic Slim has a great fruity Huckleberry flavour and is so easy to use.
It contains chlorogenic acid, a well-known slimming ingredient, and resveratrol, which has a number of health benefits.
The Green tea extract contains epigallocatechin gallate which has been shown in studies to help weight management programs
It also contains Yerba maté which is used in slimming supplements to help promote feelings of fullness

Solstic Nutrition has been formulated by Nature’s Sunshine’s own team of scientific experts and has been created to bring you a great tasting synergistic blend, providing 100% or more of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, D, E, biotin and pantothenic acid. The formula also includes vitamin K1, calcium, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc.

The vitamins and minerals in Solstic Nutrition are formulated in a way that makes them quick and easy for the body to use. Each sachet contains only 15 calories, no sugar and is low in carbs to support any weight loss programme, and can be easily used at the gym or during outdoor activities.


Power-packed with 15 vitamins and minerals in a sugar free formula
Expertly formulated for maximum bio-availability
Synergistic ingredients absorb quickly and easily into the body
Single serve sachet makes it convenient to carry in your pocket or bag
Great nutritional boost when you’re on the go
Can be added to your daily protein or fibre shake
Suitable for vegetarians
None of the ingredients in this product contain gluten
Low glycemic index rating
No sugar, no fat and low carbohydrate

Supplementing your fitness and weight management programme with the best products plays an important part in your journey toward your goals.

This programme contains a two month supply of Four Zambroza, Two Super Omega-3 and One Super Supplemental Vitamins & Minerals.

The combination of caffeine and catechins’s in Green Tea have shown encouraging results when tested in their role as a weight management supplement, without any known negative effects. Green Tea extract is a key ingredient in Zambroza.

The Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) found in Omega-3 Fish Oils appear to help speed up fat burning. This only happens when there is an excess of fresh EFA’s in the body, and they are of high quality.
Please Note - Absorption of this product will be inhibited by Nature's Sunshine's 'Fat Grabbers'. Therefore it is recommended that these products should be taken at least three hours apart.

This potent multi-vitamin & mineral contains Zinc and B vitamins which are needed to create insulin, and Chromium. Vitamins B and C as well as the mineral Magnesium are also essential in helping the body turn glucose into energy instead of fat.

Enhance your programme by using one of Nature's Sunshine's unique Key System Products, which will help to support your chosen body system.  Complete the free online Lifestyle Analysis to discover which of the nine Key System Products would be most suitable for you.

These are just a few of our many wonderful supplements that we supply.