This is one of the best products that I sell due to some of my clients not sleeping properly.
Feeds the nervous system with many elements it needs to maintain health. The combination is a natural source of selenium, zinc, niacin and vitamin C.
Hops grows throughout Europe, Asia and North America, and belongs to the same group of plants as the stinging nettle. It is perhaps best known for its use in beer brewing. Hops gives beer its distinctive taste and protects freshness.
The female flower, which resembles a glober artichoke, is the part used by brewers. It yields essential oils and resins which give hops its aroma and beer its taste. The male flowers, incidentally, are born on separate plants and are different in appearance.
It is also valuable as a food as it possesses nervine properties. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia states hops is specific for restlessness associated with nervous tension, headache, and indigestion.
Even though valerian is a large attractive plant with small white or pink flowers, its fragrance is not one of its major strong suits. Both the Greek doctor Dioscorides and the Roman doctor Galen complained about the smell of valerian in their writings. The only way to describe it is a cross between the odor of rotten cheese and dirty socks. In spite of its malodorous properties, valerian was hailed throughout the Middle Ages as and "all heal" herb. Held in great esteem by practitioners of the ages, valerian has been used for numerous disorders, mostly related to the nervous system.
Therapeutic ActionsValerian can be classified in many different therapeutic categories. It is one of the best nervine herbs for its efficacy in treating disorders of the nervous system and in calming the entire body. Other categories include anodyne (pain reliever), anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiemetic, carminative (tones, soothes, and stimulates the digestive and elimination systems), sedative, hypnotic, antihypertensive, and antibacterial.
IndicationsThe herb valerian is most effective in treating a wide range of stress conditions such as irritability, depression, fear, anxiety, nervous exhaustion, hysteria, delusions, and nervous tension. It is also indicated for patients who suffer from insomnia. Valerian not only eases the trouble of falling asleep but also improves the quality of sleep during the night.
Therapeutic ActionsValerian can be classified in many different therapeutic categories. It is one of the best nervine herbs for its efficacy in treating disorders of the nervous system and in calming the entire body. Other categories include anodyne (pain reliever), anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiemetic, carminative (tones, soothes, and stimulates the digestive and elimination systems), sedative, hypnotic, antihypertensive, and antibacterial.
IndicationsThe herb valerian is most effective in treating a wide range of stress conditions such as irritability, depression, fear, anxiety, nervous exhaustion, hysteria, delusions, and nervous tension. It is also indicated for patients who suffer from insomnia. Valerian not only eases the trouble of falling asleep but also improves the quality of sleep during the night.
After taking valerian, a patient will wake up very rested and alert without the grogginess seen with some over-the-counter sleeping pills. As a pain reliever, the herb is useful for treating tension headaches, migraine headaches, arthritis, and sore muscles.
The herb has also found a role in treating a variety of nervous disorders in children. In one German study, an extract of valerian root was given to 120 children with a wide variety of behavioral disorders such as restlessness, sleep disorders, hyperactivity, learning disorders, bed wetting, anxiety, headache, and the habits of thumb sucking and nail biting. After three weeks of using valerian extract daily, 75 percent of the children showed marked improvement of their conditions without any toxicity or negative side effects.
In ancient Rome, valerian was used to treat certain heart conditions. Through its positive action on the autonomic nervous system, the herb is effective in treating tachycardia by slowing down the heart at the same time gently increasing its force. It also is effective in regulating arrhythmias. Along with a stabilizing effect on the blood pressure, valerian is an anti- thrombotic that can be used to prevent the formation of blood clots.
This stabilizing effect is also seen on the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Valerian calms the stomach while encouraging the release of digestive enzymes and reducing the pain and discomfort of ulcers. In the colon, the herb alleviates cramps, gas, and diarrhea, and has a soothing effect on the bowel with colitis. Valerian has also proved helpful in the treatment of asthma.
Unlike other sedatives and drugs, valerian has none of the side effects or dependency risk that these have. In addition there is no synergistic effect when the herb is taken with alcohol. It can also be taken safely along with other prescription drugs. Valerian is used extensively in Europe where it is accepted by orthodox medicine. It is found in many over-the- counter preparations used to treat a variety of nervous disorders.
Passion Flower leaves have been used traditionally as a mild calmative. In fact, Algonquin Indians used passion flower tea to help soothe their nerves.
The flavonoids in passion flower are the primary constituents responsible for its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects. It can be used safely even for small children. In Italy the plant drug is used to treat hyperactive children. In Europe passion flower is recommended as an anti-anxiety treatment and in this context, it is often combined with valerian and hops.
Passion flower supports the nervous system in a variety of ways. It has been historically used for a variety of ailments, from insomnia, dysmenorrhea, nervous tension, and fatigue, to muscle spasms.