Monday, 16 December 2013

Are you worried about what you will be consuming over the holiday period???

Are you worried about all the treats you are going to have over the Christmas holidays? Why not give your body a treat in the New Year - Healthy Cleanse programme for more information then click on the link and order yours today.....
Your worth it

This highly effective cleanse is designed to be taken alongside a normal healthy diet. Results will be enhanced if you omit red meat, caffeine and alcohol from your diet during the programme. Drink pleny of water whilst using the programme.
The Healthy Starter Programme includes;                 

A powerful and effective ten day course of five cleansing herbal products which collectively help cleanse the whole body of cellular waste.

A great tasting ‘minty drink’ you  can  enjoy throughout the day. Add Liquid Chlorophyll to water for a great tasting drink that leaves the breath minty fresh, and is a valued addition to your cleanse programme.

A high potency, multi strain probiotic supplement which provides almost 12 billion bacteria per serving. The eleven strains of bacteria in Probiotic Eleven ensure you replenish your gut with a variety of beneficial flora, and each capsule contains a built-in prebiotic to nourish and spread the bacteria throughout the gut.

Please Note: The Healthy Starter Pack+ is not recommended for children, women who are pregnant, likely to become pregnant, nursing mothers and people who are experiencing ill health. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dosage. 
Allergy infomation: May cause a reaction in persons allergic to inhaled or ingested psyllium.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Body systems - please check yours out

Body systems great catchy tune

click here to take the free lifestyle analysis to see how your body systems are working, let me know what you think :)

Friday, 6 December 2013

Friday, 15 November 2013

Having trouble with colds and mucus??

How many of you are suffering with colds and mucus, here are some helpful tips to help with this problem, take plenty of what is on the right hand side of the picture and not anything from the left hand side.

Vitamin C, Zambroza, Silvershield and Echinacea is always great for helping with colds, coughs and mucus, contact me for details or order on my site


Negative emotions can have a domino effect, so contact me for advice or help

Saturday, 9 November 2013

5 reasons why you should eat bitter foods and herbs

5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Bitter Foods and Herbs

October 16 2013 | Body System Health | Cleansing/Detox 

A couple weeks ago in Vegas during Leader's Conference, I sat in on a discussion with some of the best herbalists in the world. One topic that they brought up was the importance of the taste of bitterness in some foods and herbs. The "bitterness" on our taste buds alone is a nutrient, in a sense. The bitterness sends a chemical reaction throughout out bodies and has numerous health benefits. When you sweeten bitter foods, you often destroy the majority of the health benefit of that particular food.
Many nutritionists, herbalists, and other health experts believe that far too many modern industrialized humans are deficient in bitter substances, which in part contributes to our epic rise in digestive related illnesses, inflammatory conditions, immune challenges, diabetes, and more. Source.
In a recent article by the Wall Street Journal, "One study found that only 5% to 8% of the calories we eat are bitter. But the compounds that make foods taste bitter (carotenoids in sweet potatoes and spinach, flavonoids in cranberries and kale, polyphenols in wine) also make them good for us. Consider the initial taste shock of bitter foods such as cranberries, cocoa and kale to be positive, rather than negative. Bitter = healthful.
Here are a few of the health benefits of bitter foods.

1. Helps to absorb nutrients

While bitterness is often perceived as unpleasant, the interaction between bitter constituents in foods and our bitter taste receptors stimulate the production of gastric acid in the stomach. This helps prime the stomach for the food it is about to encounter. “Bitter foods and herbs help to stimulate digestive juices and support food digestion,” says professional dietitian Nicole Dube of Halifax, N.S. “Bitter foods help stimulate our taste receptors on the tongue, which subsequently stimulates enzyme production and bile flow. The better your food is digested, the more nutrients you will absorb from your food. It doesn't matter what you eat, if you can't absorb it, it won't be of much benefit to you.” Dube often recommends eating a dandelion salad for people with digestive problems.

2. Balances taste buds and controls that sweet tooth

The more bitter greens we eat, the more bitter greens we want.
“We all have different sensory levels. It depends on genetics, what you’ve trained your body to like, what your mother ate when you were in utero or what your heritage is,” says Theresa Albert, a Toronto-based registered nutritionist and founder of the website, My Friend in Food. In Ayurvedic tradition, bitter foods are thought to reduce food cravings and aid in weight loss. In TCM, bitter foods are prized for ‘removing heat’ in the body – could that speak to their very modern ‘anti-inflammatory’ benefits? Source.

3. Cleanses the body

Bitter roots and veggies contain fiber to help sweep wastes through the digestive tract. Bitter foods also contain sulfur-based compounds which support the natural detoxification pathways in the liver; helping it to do what it is meant to do – keep your body clean and clear.
“We’re just starting to discover the benefits of greens,” says Albert, who explains that centuries ago, in ancient Chinese and Hindu diets, culinary traditions regularly included bitter foods.

4. Stimulates metabolism

Bitter foods and herbs like green tea have been shown to boost metabolism. Drinking green tea is one of the easiest ways to rev up your metabolism. A study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea-extract increases the metabolism by 4% over a 24-hour period. Green tea has also been shown to inhibit fat absorption—the movement of glucose into fat cells, [support healthy] glucose levels after eating a meal, prevent insulin spikes which prevents fat storage, and reduce appetite. People that choose sweet foods over bitter foods are also at risk for metabolic syndrome. Source.

5. Fights free radicals and stimulates immune function

Recent studies have shown that bitter foods, including dark chocolate, can help fight free radicals in the body. Of course, Bitter foods are usually nutrient dense Bitter foods pack plenty of nutrition into each bite. For instance, beta-carotene for healthy skin; folate for a healthy nervous system; vitamin K for healthy blood clotting and phyto-chemicals for healthy inflammation response, managing cholesterol, balance hormones, detoxify the blood and metabolizes fats. Many greens are also mineral rich; gentle cooking will help make those minerals more bioavailable to the human body.

List of some bitter foods and herbs

There are a wide variety of bitter foods and herbs. Some of them are best taken as a tea to help your body register the bitter taste to get the digestive juices flowing. Some better foods and herbs include:
"One of the most neglected concepts in Western health and nutritional theory is that of balance. Chinese medicine, on the other hand, heavily emphasizes balance when it comes to diet and strives to maintain that over all else. The human body is wired to maintain balance over all else. Imbalances, especially in diet, always cause over compensation in the opposite direction in order to maintain the yin/yang balance that keeps the body in homeostasis. That is why dietary changes are best implemented slowly, so that the body is not thrown into a state of shock and can adjust accordingly.
"In terms of dietary balance, most Westerners severely neglect the bitter flavor/taste element in favor of more appealing and ‘friendly’ choices like sweet or salty. However, this is inherently problematic as the bitter flavor is an essential component of maintaing balance and health. Bitter foods and herbs have many important functions in the body, specifically in regards to the liver, detoxification and digestion – is it not a coincidence that these areas of health are some of the most problematic for Westerners? In fact, ask any acupuncturist which disorder (read: imbalance) is most commonly seen in their practice and they will happily tell you it is liver qi stagnation, which is treated with bitter herbs and foods, among other things.
It’s understandable that people avoid bitter foods as they can be somewhat unpleasant, however, there are many time tested, delicious ways to integrate bitter foods into common recipes. What’s more is that bitter foods usually make you feel great — especially those that directly affect the liver. A few seconds of a bitter taste is very little to go through in exchange for drastically improves health if you ask me…"
- Truth The Brilliance of Bitter By Marc David | Psychology of Eating
- See more at:

Monday, 4 November 2013

Free lifestyle analysis

Please take a free lifestyle analysis, just click on the link

Great fibre drink 10% off November only

November TNT is 10% off - get yours today

Are you getting enough?  Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet, but it’s not always easy to obtain as much daily fibre as you need. Just one scoop of TNT a day helps to boost your daily vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein intake, in a delicious orange flavoured drink. This ‘family favourite’ supplement is available only from Nature’s Sunshine.
So many people think that they are getting the right amount of fibre but they really aren't, getting the right amount of fibre could reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, and can help the digestive system.
Fibre is only found in plants, meat, fish and dairy products do not have any fibre. You should try to get 18g of fibre a day. 

  • 18 different sources of soluble and insoluble fibre
  • 12 vitamins and 11 minerals essential for healthy growth and good health
  • Contains Vitamin C to help protect against free radical damage, maintain the normal functioning of the immune system and nervous system, and normal collagen formation. Increases iron absorption and contributes towards a reduction in tiredness and fatigue
  • Antioxidants – contains beta-carotene, lycopene and other carotenoids
  • Has a great orange taste that the whole family can enjoy
  • Contains no added sugar

Monday, 21 October 2013

Kidney infection - what can you do to help yourself

Today I have heard radio adverts about 'kidney cancer' If you see blood in your urine then consult with your Doctor. This is a story close to my heart as 12 years ago I got a phone call from a very distressed Grandfather to tell me that my Nan had been diagnosed, (If I new then what I know now, then maybe we could have helped her so that she didn't have to go through radiotherapy and be left with taking tablets in order to go out of the house without worry of bowel trouble. She has been left eating very plain food as the radiotherapy has caused her problems with her stomach - but on the bright side she is still with us).
The PHE (Public Health England) have said that the rise in Kidney/Bladder cancer patients is due to an unhealthy lifestyle - smoking and obesity. Early diagnosis drives the death rate down. (My Nan had never smoked and was quite fit). Professor Kevin Fenton PHE says it is very simple, go to your GP if you have the following symptoms:- Blood in the urine
                                 Needing to urinate more frequently, or suddenly
                                 Pain whilst urinating
                                 Pain below the ribs that won't go away
                                 A lump in your stomach
These are the signs to watch out for but it could be something less serious, A kidney infection is very painful which is caused by bacteria travelling up from the bladder to one or both the kidneys. A kidney infection is called pyelonephyritis this is more serious than cystitis which is common infection of the bladder and makes urinating painful. If a kidney infection is treated then it will not cause any harm, but left untreated then this can cause kidney damage.
A kidney infection can come on within a couple of hours the symptoms include fever, sick, shivery and you can have back pain or pain in your side.
Contracting a Kidney infection is very rare, it is believed that about 830 cases are recorded each year in the UK.
The best way to prevent an infection is to drink plenty of fluids, practice good genital hygiene.
Due to my Nan having one of her kidney's removed I have given her juniper and parsley combinationEchinacea blend extractCapsicum, garlic and parsley,
I hope that this information is helpful and would like your feedback
Many thanks

Fun poster

Vitamin A

Not just for Adults but a great drink for kids solstic nutrition
defence maintenance  great source of vitamin A C and E + selenium and zinc
super supplemental  for all essential vitamins and minerals

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

clogged arteries and what you can do to help!!!

I have been researching clogged arteries, I was under the impression that fat clogged the arteries but this is not the case.
Bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) is among the leading cause of clogged arteries. When the body produces optimum levels of  good cholesterol then the bad cholesterol leaves the arterial walls through the bloodstream via the liver. If our bodies are low in good cholesterol then the bad cholesterol levels go up and clog the arterial walls to make way for poor heart health, leading to strokes, heart attacks and disease.
It's easy to keep our bodies in check and have good cholesterol by exercising and eating healthy foods, (more fruit and vegetables).

Artery based plaque is a build up of cholesterol, calcium and fat, this is another cause of clogged arteries and poor heart health. Everyone has small amounts of arterial plaque, which can lead to strokes,heart attacks and heart disease. Plaque is the common cause of coronary artery disease.
There is no escaping having small amounts of plaque in our bodies but exercise and healthy eating are the best ways to combat plaque build up. Trying to lower stress levels are also a must.

I was talking to a Guy at a conference I went to and he was explaining about mega-chel this can be used  as a blood cleaner, you will need to build up the dosage gradually.
To effectively deal with cleansing the arteries and improving circulation it is recommended you take a bottle of mega-chel for every decade of life. It will take a few months but the outcome is worth it.
The first week start with one tablet twice daily, increasing to two tablets twice daily at week two. Increase to the maximum dose of five to six tablets twice daily by week six. Stay on this dose until you have completed the month per decade, then decrease gradually back to two tablets twice a day which you will stay on for healthy heart maintenance. I would also recommend super omega3 as well.
As you are cleansing the arteries, you need to build up to the dosage gradually so the desloughing is done a little at a time. We are looking to break down the bad stuff that clings onto the walls of the vessels in tiny bits and not big chunks which could cause problems.


Monday, 14 October 2013

Great information on the foods we grow

How to help your brain


The world we live in requires us to stay mentally sharp, but unfortunately the average persons diet is not helping us stay alert and firing on all cylinders.
Life demands more and more from our brain but the food we consume may be giving us lots of calories without the nutrients we need to meet these demands.
It isn't hard to find the nutrient-dense foods your brain is craving, so next time your in the supermarket pass up the processed and sugary items for some of these brain-healthy alternatives:
You want foods that provide 4 things:
Omega 3's of Flax seed
Blood circulation
Or try these natural supplements instead omega 3,  flax seed oilantioxidantblood circulatorybrain protexbrain foodenerg-v
For any other information then please contact me or email me


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Why do we need daily nutrition

We are very good at making sure every year our cars are put through an MOT, and a service to make sure that the oil in our car keeps the engine working, water in the pipes so the car does not overheat, etc....If there is a problem then we will spend money on making sure it is safe to drive as our lives are very precious.
So why do we not look after our bodies like we do our cars??

Our kitchen has been hijacked by the food industry. How many times per week do you eat out?
How many times a week do you get a ready meal or a take away and not cooking from scratch?

Our tongue can be fooled, and your brain can become addicted to a combination of fat, salt, sugar which are pumped into our foods. Unfortunately our biochemistry can not handle these foods, this is why so many people are overweight or obese.
Due to this problem people are now becoming more exposed to pre-diabetes or diabetes, in the next decade the amount of teenagers at risk of the condition will increase. We are all at risk of cardiovascular factors - high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar. When compared to our  ancestors our diets and lifestyle have changed considerably and these changes have had a negative effect on the quality of our health. The food industry is making our future generation sick.

Supplements are also a good way of getting the nutrients that you need, just to keep our energy levels up so that the quick sugar fix doesn't hit us over and over again.

In 1992 The Earth Summit Report revealed a potential loss of 72% of the mineral content in the soils of Europe in the last 100 years due to modern day intensive farming practices. Consequently these depleted soils can produce crops that are tasteless and have a poor nutritional content. Farming changed during World War 2 as we needed farming practices to produce crops so that people wouldn't starve. Therefore they started to use pesticides so that they could start growing more vegetables for consumption.

Pesticides have been linked to a wide range of human health hazards, ranging from short term impacts such as headaches and nausea to chronic impacts like cancer, reproductive harm, and endocrine disruption.
Acute dangers - such as nerve, skin, and eye irritation and damage, headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and systemic poisoning - can sometimes be dramatic, and even occasionally fatal. Pesticides can cause many types of cancer in humans. Some of the prevalent forms include leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, brain, bone, breast, ovarian, prostate, testicular and liver cancers.
In February 2009, the agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry published a study that found that children who live in homes where their parents use pesticides are twice as likely to develop brain cancer versus those that live in residences in which no pesticides are used.

In recent years Nature Sunshine have seen increased availability of organic produce. Organic farmers allow their land to rest between crops to rebuild the nutritional content in the soil naturally. In addition, organic foods are not sprayed with toxic chemical pesticides. As well as reducing the toxic burden on the body and our environment, organically produced food is usually more nourishing.

The nutritional value and purity of supplements are equally important and for this reason Nature Sunshine use the finest organic ingredients which are free from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.
Other supplementation can have in supplements NOT Nature Sunshine supplements you will find: Dirt, wood chips, insects, cement, pesticides, aluminium, lead, arsenic, batteries, mercury, corn syrup, talk.

Food is harvested to early, How many of you would buy a black banana? Or an apple with a bruise?
Due to the banana being harvested early it is green so therefore has very little nutritional value if any.

When the food  has been harvested it is put into cold storage to stop the crop from aging, so that when you buy it in the supermarket it is appealing.

A well balanced diet - Very few people can claim to eat a well balanced diet, even those who do will assume that their food is nutritionally rich and may not take into consideration the lack of nutrients resulting from intensive farming practices, manufacturing methods and storage processes. Our modern lifestyle can also be demanding and many people choose to supplement their diet with additional vitamins, minerals and plant extracts in order to stay healthy.

With regards to processed foods eating wholemeal or brown rice, brown pasta is better for you as this is how it should be....White bread, flour etc has been bleached to make it more appealing.

Years ago our ancestors would wake up to a full breakfast of bacon and eggs, which is high in protein, a great way to start the day. Proteins are an important part of your bones, muscles and skin. Proteins are in every living cell in our bodies.

Food is often over cooked, I have been brought up eating soft vegetables when they should be slightly crunchy, this destroys many of the enzymes in the food.

Indigestion is a very common problem, it is estimated that over 40% of the population have experienced indigestion at some point in their lives. The stomach produces acid to help the digestion of foods, the stomach is very sensitive to the acid so has a protective lining. On occasions the protective lining isn't adequate so the acid comes into contact with the cells lining the stomach leading to inflammation and irritation.
In most cases of indigestion it is caused by eating, but other causes can be due to medication that we take or an infection.

When we become ill we go to the Doctors, or go to the chemist for anything that can help us to feel so much better, but the side effects are huge. I have been looking into lots of alternative forms of holistic medication, supplements and the best form that I have found is what I am offering you.
A polluted world - we are all exposed to a cocktail of toxins on a daily basis from our food, water and the air we breathe. Increased levels of toxins can cause toxicity and excess free radical damage.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


 Psyllium is a soluble fiber which is used as a gentle bulk forming laxative.
It comes from a shrub/herb called "Plantago Ovata" which grows all over the world but is most common in India. Each shrub can produce up to 15000 tiny gel coated seed, from which psyllium husk is derived.
The soluble fiber found in the psyllium husks can help lower cholesterol, it can help relieve both constipation and diarrhea and is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids and other intestinal problems. Psyllium has also been used to help regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. When the psyllium husk comes in contact with water, it swells and forms a gelatin that helps transport waste through the intestinal system.

Constipation -Many studies have shown that psyllium relieves constipation. Psyllium is widely used in Asia, Europe and North America. When the psyllium contacts water it swells and produces more bulk, which stimulates the intestine to contract and helps speed the passage of stool through the digestive tract.

Diabetes - Studies show that a high fiber diet may help to lower insulin and lower blood sugar levels and help reduce cholesterol levels in people with diabetes. It may also help reduce the chance of becoming diabetic for those that are of a higher risk.

Diarrhea - Psyllium can help to relieve mild to moderate diarrhea as it soaks up water in the digestive tract which helps to make the stools harder and slower to pass through the digestive system.

Heart disease - Having a high fiber diet (adding psyllium) may help to reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that a diet  high in water soluble fiber is associated with lower triglyceride levels, and lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Hemorrhoids - Psyllium can help to soften the stools and reduce pain associated with hemorrhoids

High Blood Pressure - Adding fiber especially psyllium, to your diet may help to reduce blood pressure. In one studies over a six month period using psyllium fiber significantly systolic and diastolic blood pressure in overweight people with hypertension.

High Cholesterol - Soluble fibers such as flax seed oilloclo, and bowel build guar gum and oat bran can help to lower cholesterol when added to a low fat, low cholesterol diet.

Inflammatory bowel disease IBD - Studies have found conflicting results, Psyllium for mild to moderate cases of diarrhea from either ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease was as effective as any prescription drug in maintaining remission.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS - Several studies found that soluble fiber helps relieve some symptoms of IBS, such as diarrhea and constipation.

Obesity - studies and clinical reports suggest that psyllium may help you feel fuller and reduce hunger cravings.

I have been taking bowel build for two months now as I have suffered for so many years with constipation (I wasn't expecting it to work) I had been back and forth to the Doctors and the hospital and have taken so many different prescription drugs (which are so full of chemicals, and the side effects are awful that I couldn't go out) so I have studied and read about different herbal remedies and found this.  I took 4 tablets in the morning and 4 tablets with my evening meal, I took the same the next morning and by the afternoon the tablets started to work. I really started to notice a difference within a few days, I felt I had more energy, felt so much better in myself. I don't worry about going out now,  I am now taking 2/3 in the morning and the same in the evening.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Fun Fitness Facts

Fun Fitness Facts

1.  You would need to drink a quart of milk every day for three to four months to drink as much blood as your heart pumps in one hour.

2.  Your heart is about the size of your fist and weighs about as much as a softball.

3. In the course of a lifetime, the resting heart will have pumped enough blood to fill 13 supertankers.

4. The pink under your fingernails is the blood in your capillaries.

5. Your heart is the strongest muscle of your body and beats about 100,000 times in one day, in an average adult.

6. We need light in order to see.  Animals that live in deep caves or in the great depths of the ocean where there is no light are often blind or have no eyes at all.

7.  A person breathes 7 quarts of air every minute.

8. Almost half the human body's weight is made from one of three types of muscle tissue.

9.  The human nervous system can relay messages to the brain at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour.  Your brain receives 100 million nerve messages each second from your senses.

10.  In one day, some 4000 children and teenagers take up smoking.

11.  Underwater swimming is the only time you should hold your breathe while exercising.

12.  Your brain weight about 3 pounds, is a pinkish gray color and is about the size of a cauliflower.

13. Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end.

14.  The three bones of the middle ear are so small all three could easily fit on your thumbnail.

15. If all 600 muscles in your body pulled in one direction, you could lift 25 tons.

16.  If the 300,000,000 tiny air sacs (alveoli) in your lungs could be laid out flat, they would cover a home swimming pool.

17. Tongue prints are as unique as fingerprints.

18. If you weight 100 pounds on earth, you will weigh about 264 pounds on Jupiter.

19.  There are 206 bones in the human body.  One fourth of them are in your feet.

20.  The human body has 45 miles of nerves.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

A-Z of toxins/chemicals/disease promoting ingredients in foods

I came across this article and was astounded at all the hidden chemicals/toxins that are in foods, and that manufacturers would try and hide what is in the foods so that they can make such a huge profit. I have decided to share these with you, and hope that you please read the labels on any product before you buy as these can all have devastating effects on our bodies. 
These listed below are toxins/chemicals/disease promoting ingredients in our food supply which could cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and so many more problems to the body.
I really believe that we should check labels and detox at least twice a year, if possible at least every change of season.  I also think that we should be looking at healthy supplements in order to keep our key systems and our bodies in perfect working order.

Toxic, cancer-causing chemicals formed in foods when carbohydrates are exposed to high heat (baking, frying, and grilling). They’re present in everything from bread crusts to snack chips, and because they aren’t intentional ingredients, acrylamides do NOT have to be listed on labels.
This is a Chemical sweetener that causes neurological disorders, seizures, blurred vision and migraine headaches.
Autolyzed Proteins
Highly processed form of protein containing free glutamate and used to mimic the taste-enhancer chemical MSG.
BPA (Bisphenol-A)
A hormone mimicking chemical found in nearly all food packaging plastics. Active in just parts per billion, BPA promotes cancer, infertility and hormone disorders. It also “feminizes” males, promoting male breast growth and hormone disruption
Milk proteins! Hilariously, this is widely used in “soy cheese” products that claim to be alternatives to cow’s milk. Nearly all of them are made with cow’s milk proteins.
Corn Syrup
This is just another name for High Fructose Corn Syrup (see below). Frequently used in infant formula
Food Colours
FD&C Red #40, for example, is linked to behavioural disorders in children. Nearly all artificial food colours are derived from petroleum, and many are contaminated with aluminium.
Genetically Modified Ingredients
Nearly all conventionally grown corn, soy and cotton are GMOs. They’re linked to severe infertility problems and may even cause the bacteria in your body to produce and release a pesticide in your own gut. If you’re not eating organic corn, you’re definitely eating GMO corn.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
A highly processed liquid sugar extracted with the chemical solvent glutaraldehyde and frequently contaminated with mercury It’s also linked to diabetes, obesity and mood disorders. Used in thousands of grocery items, including things you wouldn’t suspect like pizza sauce and salad dressings.
Homogenized Milk
The fats in the milk are artificially modified to change them into smaller molecules that stay in suspension in the milk liquid (so the milk fat doesn’t separate). While it makes milk look better on the shelf, it’s also blamed for promoting heart disease and may contribute to milk allergies. Raw milk is healthier, which is why the government had outlawed it.
When you see anything hydrochloride, such as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride or Thiamine Hydrochloride, those are chemical forms of B vitamins that companies add to their products to be able to claim higher RDA values of vitamins. But these are synthetic, chemical forms of vitamins, not real vitamins from foods or plants. Nutritionally, they are near-useless and may actually be bad for you. Also watch out for niacinamide and cyanocobalamin (synthetic vitamin B-12).
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
This is a highly processed form of (usually) soy protein that’s processed to bring out the free glutamate (MSG). Used as a taste enhancer.
Partially Hydrogenated Oils
These are oils that are modified using a chemical catalyst to make them stable at room temperature. This creates trans fatty acids and greatly increases the risk of blocked arteries). It also promotes what should be termed as “sludge blood,” which is thick, viscous blood that’s hard to pump. This is usually diagnosed by doctors as “high blood pressure” and (stupidly) treated with blood-thinning medications that are technically the same chemicals as rat poison (warfarin)
Phosphoric Acid
The acid used in sodas to dissolve the carbon dioxide and add to the overall fizzy-ness of the soda. Phosphoric acid will eat steel nails. It’s also used by stone masons to etch rocks. The military uses it to clean the rust off battleships. It absolutely destroys tooth enamel. Search Google Images for “Mountain Dew Mouth” to see photos of teeth rotted out by phosphoric acid:
Propylene Glycol
A liquid used in the automotive industry to winterize RVs. It’s also used to make the fake blueberries you see in blueberry muffins, bagels and breads. (Combined with artificial colours and corn syrup.)
Sodium (Salt)
The processed white salt lacking in trace minerals. In the holistic nutrition industry, it is called “death salt” because it promotes disease. Real salt, on the other hand, such as “dirty” sea salt or pink Himalayan salt, is loaded with the trace minerals that prevent disease, such as selenium (cancer), chromium (diabetes) and zinc (infectious disease). Much like with bread and sugar, white salt is terrible for your health. And don’t be fooled by claims of “sea salt” in grocery stores. All salt came from the sea if you go far back enough in geologic time, so they can slap the “sea salt” claim on ANY salt!
Sodium Nitrite
A cancer-causing red colouring chemical added to bacon, hot dogs, sausage, beef jerky, ham, lunch meats, pepperoni and nearly all processed meats. Strongly linked to brain tumours, pancreatic cancers and colon cancers. The USDA once tried to ban it from the food supply but was out-manoeuvred by the meat industry, which now dominates USDA regulations. Sodium nitrite is a complete poison used to make meats look fresh. Countless children die of cancer each year from sodium nitrite-induced cancers.
Soy Protein
The No. 1 protein source used in “protein bars,” including many bars widely consumed by bodybuilders. Soy protein is the “junk protein” of the food industry. It’s made from genetically modified soybeans (often grown in China) and then subjected to hexane, a chemical solvent that can literally explode.
An artificial chemical sweetener sold as Splenda. The sucralose molecule contains a chlorine atom. Researchers have repeatedly found that artificial sweeteners make people fat by actually promoting weight gain
The bleached nutritionally deficient by product of can processing. During sugar cane processing, nearly all the minerals and vitamins end up in the blackstrap molasses that’s usually fed to farm animals. Blackstrap molasses is actually the ‘good’ part of sugar cane juice. Molasses is often fed to farm animals because every rancher knows that farm animals need good nutrition to stay alive. Amazingly, conventional doctors don’t yet realise this about humans, and they continue to claim that eating sugar is perfectly fine for you. Sugar promotes diabetes, obesity, mood disorders and nutritional deficiencies.
Textured Vegetable Protein
TVP is usually made of soy protein which is extracted from genetically modified soybeans and then processed using hexane, an explosive chemical solvent (see protein above). TVP is widely used in vegetarian foods such as veggie burgers (most of which also contain MSG or Yeast Extract by the way.
Yeast Extract
Hidden form of MSG that contains free glutamate and is used in many ‘natural foods’ products to claim NO MSG. Yeast extract contains up to 14% free glutamate. You’ll find it in thousands of grocery store products, from soups to snacks and crisps.
Food Label Tricks
Here’s a trick food companies frequently used to pack more sugar into their products without making sugar look like the first ingredient’. Ingredients labels, you see, must list the most prominent ingredients first, and some consumers might freak out of they saw a box of cereal that said ‘Sugar, whole grain wheat, corn’ and so on…. Instead the company uses 3 or 4 different forms of sugar to distribute them farther down the label like this:
‘Whole grain wheat, sugar, corn syrup, corn syrup solids…..this way, the first ingredient looks like ‘whole grain wheat’ when, in reality, the cereal might be over 50% sugars.
How to buy honest food! 
Shop at your local farmer’s market, food co-op or natural food stores. Look for organic labels certified by the soil association. This is a legitimate claim to being certified organic. Read the Ingredients Labels. If you see names of chemical you cannot pronounce, don’t buy it. Buy more unprocessed food ingredients and make your own meals rather than buying ready-to-eat, processed foods, which are almost universally formulated with disease promoting ingredients. Grow some of your own food! The best food you can ever eat is food from your own garden.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Key system products

Key System Products - Your Key To Optimum Health
When one body system is under performing, those immediately linked to it are also affected, and this has a knock-on effect on your overall health. And like a chain, your body systems are only as strong as the weakest link.
Take a lifestyle analysis to find out how your key systems are working
There are 9 different key system products that offer a synergistic combinations precisely formulated to nourish each of your body systems, helping you to achieve optimum health

  • Bowel Build is the Key System Product for the intestinal system, and contains key nutrients and plant extracts perfectly balanced for the healthy digestive system.
  • Many health experts agree that the cause of most chronic health concerns is a toxic colon
  • Bowel Build supplies enzymes and vitamins formulated for the healthy digestive system
  • This formula provides betaine HCl to aid digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract
  • Contains Psyllium Hulls and Chlorophyll to provide fibre and bulk, which in turn encourages the proper flow of waste
  • Althea and Ginger have been added for a soothing effect on the digestive system

  • Defence Maintenance helps nourish the immune system
  • Contains essential nutrients and includes whole food sources of micro nutrients for immune tissue
  • Contains Vitamin A, which contributes to the normal function of the immune system, and the maintenance of normal skin, mucous membranes and vision. It is also used for the maintenance of normal iron metabolism
  • Contains Vitamin C, which contributes towards a reduction in tiredness and fatigue and the normal functioning of the immune and nervous system. It is used in the protection of cells from oxidative stress, normal collagen formation and increases iron absorption 

  • Fenugreek & Fennel Combination is the Key System Product providing balanced nutrition for the respiratory system
  • This is a traditional formula used by nutritionists for the respiratory system 
  • It provides specific nutrients to nourish the lungs.  Healthy lung function helps protect the body from seasonal airborne substances
  • Also available in an alcohol free liquid extract suitable for children aged 6 years and older

  • Juniper & Parsley Combination is the Key System Product designed for the bladder and urinary system
  • This formula contains herbs used for thousands of years for the urinary tract
  • Specially formulated for the urinary tract, bladder and kidneys and nourishes the urinary tract
  • This unique combination contains Juniper Berries.  Berries contain resin, tannins, vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, sodium, selenium and zinc
  • This combination is an herbal source of iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, vitamin A and riboflavin

  • Master Gland is the Key System Product designed specifically for the glandular system
  • Contains Vitamin A, which contributes to the normal function of the immune system, and the maintenance of normal skin, mucous membranes and vision
  • Contains Vitamin C, which contributes towards a reduction in tiredness and fatigue and the normal functioning of the immune and nervous system. It is used in the protection of cells from oxidative stress, normal collagen formation and increases iron absorption
  • Contains Vitamin E, which contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
  • Contains Pantothenic Acid that contributes to normal mental performance and energy yielding metabolism  

  • Mega-Chel is the key system that contains a large array of nutrients for the circulatory system
  • More than just a multi- vitamin, this unique formula is a yeast free blend providing generous amounts of essential vitamins and minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients specifically formulated for the circulatory system
  • Contains nutrients that contribute towards the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, normal red blood cell formation and metabolism of iron. These nutrients also aid the normal function of the immune system, the nervous system and the protection of cells from oxidative stress

  • Provides nutrients for the nervous system and brain
  • Helps us settle when life becomes too much of a challenge
  • Helps to replenish vitamins that are often depleted in times of stress
  • Vitamin C and B-Vitamins contribute to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Yeast free formula, suitable for vegetarians

  • Proactazyme is the Key System Product for the Digestive System
  • Proactazyme is a full spectrum general purpose enzyme product
  • This formula is scientifically balanced for maximum effectiveness
  • Helps maintain a healthy digestive system
  • Helps the body digest all food types and helps break down difficult to digest foods 
  • Proactazyme is protected with an exclusive herbal blend that buffers and stabilizes the enzymes. Therefore the enzymes are not damaged in the stomach, enabling them to work more effectively


  • Skeletal Strength is the Key System Product designed specifically for the structural system
  • This unique combination provides Calcium, which is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth, and contributes to normal muscle function
  • Vitamin A, helps to maintain the normal function of the immune system, and the maintenance of normal skin, mucous membranes and vision. It also contributes to normal iron metabolism
  • Vitamin C which is used for normal collagen formation and for the normal functioning of the bones, cartilage, teeth and skin