Sunday, 28 July 2013
Beating PMT
I went to a seminar yesterday and was so impressed that I wanted to share it with you, I hope you enjoy reading my blog and hopefully will find this useful in order to deal with your hormones.
A lot of Women suffer from PMT, It is all to do with Hormones. Hormones control the whole of a women's physiology, not just the reproductive system.
They form the basis of the intricate biochemistry that drives: How a woman thinks, feels, and how a woman responds.
Hormones are biological messengers produced by an endocrine gland, they have specific roles.
Lock on to cells with responsive receptors
Hormone sends signals into the cell through receptor to deliver a message
They are involved in almost every biological process including;-
Immune function
blood sugar regulation
Their balance is easily overset by hormones distruptors, natural and unnatural these include:-
cigarette smoke
The pill and other medications
Pesticides and herbicides
Household cleaning products
Excitotoxins such as MSG, Aspartame and other everyday products
Endocrine Distruptors are man-made chemicals
Molecules act like hormones in the body and can persist for decades or even centures in the environment
POP's (persistent organic pollutants can mimic or block:-
thyroid hormones
A girl is born with all she needs to develop into a woman, she is born with a full complement of eggs for reproduction
The ovaries are inactive until puberty. Hormones are released to widen the hips, mature the breasts, grow pubic hair and begin menstruation. The pituitary stimulates the maturation of an egg each month and if this is not fertilised it results in a period.
A woman's cycle begins the first day of menstrual bleed. The top layer of the endometrium is shed whilst the pituitary releases FSH or follicle stimulating hormone. This stimulates an egg to grow and mature in the ovary. By the time a period is over, the cells surrounding the maturing egg begin to make oestrogen. This thickens the lining of the womb ready to receive a fertilised egg. By mid-cycle the oestrogen levels reach a peak, which triggers the pituitary to release luteinising hormone to trigger ovulation.
In the post ovulatory phase the cells that surrounded the released egg collapse and forms a structure called the corpus luteum. This produces progesterone and small amounts of oestrogen to prepare the body for a pregnancy. If the egg is not fertilised within 14 days the corpus luteum shrivels and oestrogen and progesterone production stops. The sudden drops in hormones promps menstrual bleeding.
Relatively small amounts of oestrogen are required to have an action in the body, therefore the control mechanisms to balance oestrogen levels are of prime importance. If oestrogen build-up occurs it leads to hormonal imbalances. Sex-hormone binding globulin transports oestrogen to the liver for breakdown. Different types of oestrogen - oestradiol being the most potent.
Other systems are important in clearing old or excess hormones:-
Liver - unwanted biochemical substances are metabolised by the liver. Hormones are taken through the body to be excreted.
Digestive Tract - Beta-glucoronidase in the gut can de-conjugate the oestrogen, leaving it free to be re-absorbed. High fibre diets, balanced gut and good transit time are all important to ensure this doesn't happen.
Pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms usually occurs in the 2nd half of monthly cycle.
Produces a wide range of physical and emotional changes including:-
bloating Irritability
weight gain Tension and anxiety
breast tenderness Mood swings
Headache/migraine Aggression
Pelvic discomfort Depression
Tiredness Forgetfulness
Lack of libido Insomnia
Clumsiness Tearful
There are a number of factors which may play a role:-
Hormone imbalances- excess oestrogen/deficient progesterone or low oestrogen/excess progesterone
Poor clearance of oestrogen by the liver
Re-absorption of oestrogen through the gut
Nutrient deficiencies - especially Vitamin B6 and magnesium
Blood Sugar imbalances
Low dopamine levels
Low serotonin levels
Excess prolactin
Lack of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins
There are four major categories of PMS
Mood swings
Nervous Tension
Emotional Instability
Increased appetite
Craving for sweets
Fainting spells
Heart palpitations
Clumsy and tearful
Weight gain
Water retention
Breast tenderness
If you decide that you are in one of the above categories then what we would recommend is:-
vitamin b complex
super omega-3
vitamin c
super omega-3
vitamin b complex
super supplemental
vitamin b complex
super omega-3
evening primrose oil
vitamin b complex
evening primrose oil
licorice root
Increase consumption of plant foods - particularly those with phytoestrogens.
Limit consumption of meat and dairy, reduce saturated fat and sugar intake
Avoid exposure to environmental oestrogens:- Filter water, avoid pesticide-laden food and use chemical-free toiletries and household cleaners. shampoo, conditioner, silver shield, hand and body lotion, body wash, toothpaste
Improve liver function, liver health
Improve levels of friendly bacteria in the gut probiotic eleven
I would also recommend that you do a full body cleanse
Please try these products and if you are not 100% happy then there is a 90 day money back guarantee even if you have used it just keep the containers.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Lutein - How can it help you???
Lutein is a carotenoid vitamin, it is related to beta-carotene or Vitamin A. Lutein is absorbed best when it is taken with a high-fat meal.
Many people think of Lutein as the eye vitamin, as it is used to help prevent eye diseases including age related macular degeneration, cataracts and retinitus pigmentosa.
Lutein is one of two major carotenoids found as a colour pigment in the human eye (macula and retina). It is thought to function as a light filter which protects the eye tissue from sunlight.Many people also take Lutein for preventing type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer and heart disease.
carotenoid_blend or super supplemental have Lutein in them, they are two great products which will help you, and note that these two products have been put through tests to make sure they are of good quality and are organic, they also contain other vitamins and minerals to help your body with everyday living.
what are you putting into your body after a workout.??????
People are working out a lot more in order to lose weight, but is it working? Experts say that we over estimate the calorie burning power of exercise therefore are undoing the hard work by over indulging on rubbish.
Johnathon Ross, of the American council of exercise said "there is a war between exercise and nutrition in our heads" "people tend to overestimate the amount of physical activity they get..
"they workout a little bit and treat themselves a lot"
Dr Michele olson a professor of exercise said running a marathon would not burn off a pound of fat, which contains 3500 calories.
Dr Olson said moderately intense 10 minute bursts of exercise 2 or 3 times a day "markedly reduces our risk of all morality"
Health officials recommend adults notch up at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate exercise per week.
I would recommend that you read the following information which should help to reduce sugar cravings, and other such cravings to stop added weight gain. Go to my website for more information on energy and fitness
Solstic range, energy natural energy releasing ingredients gives added stamina without added risk. It provides an excellent range of B vitamins, has no pharmaceutical grade caffeine and has low glycemic index.
A great protein drink after a good workout is a must as changes in the muscles, including breakdown or depletion of energy stores and some tissue damage can happen after exercise. So take synerprotein about 20 minutes after exercise gives the body the protein it needs to restore and help the body.
Everflex is a must to help maintain healthy joint mobility. Everflex provides important nutrients which are the building blocks for healthy cartridge in joints.everflex formula offers the combined benefits of glues amine, chrondrotin and MSM in one tablet.
Magnesium, when the body becomes deficient in energy producing fuel, it breaks down muscle protein to create energy. This process can cause fatigue and other problems. Researchers have found that many people with this type of discomfort respond to supplements containing malic acid and magnesium, the ingredients in magnesium. Malic acid plays an important role in producing energy for the cells and helping with the absorption of several other vitamins and minerals.
Liquid chlorophyll is naturally flavoured with spearmint oil and can be taken in throughout the day,. It's ideal for everyday use and a valued companion to any whole body cleanse programme.
Super omega 3 EFA to manufacturer and repair cell membranes, enabling cells to maintain optimum nutrition. Omega 3 essential fatty acids have been found beneficial for the nervous, skeletal,mcardivascular, glandular and immune systems.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
The benefits of liquid chlorophyll - it really is amazing
Liquid chlorophyll is just a great product which I take and encourage my family to take as just a few drops in some water can give great benefits and rewards to the human body. I have researched liquid chlorophyll and would love to share this amazing product with you...
chlorophyll is the green pigment, or blood, found in most plants. The energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy by chlorophyll through photosynthesis and this chemical energy is then stored in plants as carbohydrates. Chlorophyll changes water and carbon dioxide from the air into sugar, all the while releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. The plant is then able to produce the vitamins, fats, proteins and starches that it needs to absorb minerals from the earth. When animals and humans eat the plants they in turn absorb these vitamins and minerals and the energy from the sun has become a part of the food chain
Chlorophyll is sometimes called green blood. This is because of its similarity in make-up to human blood and its high oxygen content. The chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to hemoglobin, the red pigment in our blood. A single chlorophyll atom of magnesium is surrounded by a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. The red blood pigment of hemoglobin consists of the same web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, but they surround a single atom of iron . So, to be clear, chlorophyll has a single atom of magnesium, while hemoglobin has a single atom of iron, otherwise, they are the same..
This similarity to blood has led doctors to use chlorophyll for problems such as anemia with very promising results. Chlorophyll seems to thicken and strengthen the cell walls in living animals, which, logically, led to the question of whether or not it could be used to help the body combat bacterial invaders. While chlorophyll has no antiseptic qualities of its own, it does help cells to combat germs. By strengthening the tissue, it increases the disease resistance of cells and inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Chlorophyll’s beneficial effects on health are quite remarkable. It has been observed to fight deep lying infections, cleans open wounds, relieve chronic sinus conditions and slow colds. Part of its healing powers come from its high mineral content. It is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium and copper. The iron in chlorophyll attracts oxygen, which helps in the treatment of anemia and helps rejuvenate the thyroid. Potassium is important in promoting a healthy heart and for building and maintaining muscle. Copper is vital to the overall health of the body. Chlorophyll seems to encourage the natural healing process.
In addition to the above mentioned health benefits, Chlorophyll is good for a long list of positives:
- A natural detoxifier
- Cleanses the liver of toxins
- Nutritionally supports immune system function
- Aids in the growth and repair of tissue
- Stimulates red blood cells to improve oxygen supply
- Useful in chelating heavy metals and removing them from the body
- Rich in calcium for bone health
- Helps to neutralize pollution
- Acts as a natural deodorizer for reducing bad breath and body odor
- Promotes gastrointestinal health and regularity
- Helps heal open sores and other skin irritations
- Cleans and deodorizes bowel tissue
- Aids hepatitis improvement
- Aids hemophiliac conditions
- Cleans teeth and gums
- Improves varicose veins
- Relieves sore throat, inflamed tonsils and makes an excellent throat gargle
- Reduces inflamation pain
- Builds a high blood count
- May help with Gastrointestinal and other internal bleeding
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Backache - what can help you????
Backache can be an awful debilitating problem that millions of people suffer with, at some point in your lifetime you will suffer with backache. It will feel like an ache, tension or stiffness in your back.
The pain can be caused by bad posture whilst sitting, standing, lifting incorrectly or even bending awkwardly. Back pain is not a serious condition and in most cases the condition will get better in about 12 weeks, but the pain can be excruciating and can have people out of action for a good few months.
Backache is more common in the lower part of the back but the pain can be felt anywhere along the spine, from the neck to the hips.
Doctors recommend that people that suffer with backache should try and stay as active as possible, light walks and to try and maintain everyday tasks to help with the recovery. Doctors always prescribe paracetamol and/or ibuprofen for a good painkiller combination, but I really feel that the combination of the 2 painkillers is very bad as paracetamol reduces the antioxidant Gluthione levels in the liver, so many different drugs which we feel is good for something is often so soul destoying for our bodies.
Asprin triples Vitamin C excretion
Antidepressants deplete B-Vitamins and the antioxidant CoQ10
Statins used to lower cholesterol and Beta blockers given for high blood pressure both destroy CoQ10
Antibiotics destroy friendly bacteria
This is why I would advise people to take other forms of very helpful natural organic supplements in order for a helpful recovery. Also a healthy mind is always so empowering and really can help with backache. Research shows people who tend to stay positive recover so much faster.
flax seed oil
calcium magnesium
tei fu massage lotion
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Food allergies - how can this help you???
Allergies are very common in todays world, in Britain 1 in 4 people have an allergy and in the last 10 years it has got worse.
An allergy is caused when our immune system mistakes protein found in food as a threat to the body. It releases chemicals to fight an infection, and to stop it taking hold,, it is the chemicals that our body releases that causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
In children the food that commonly cause the allergic reaction:-
tree nuts
The majority of children with allergies have a background of eczema in infancy.
In adults the common cause allergic reaction:-
apples, pears, kiwi and peaches
potato, carrot, celery and parsnip
crab, lobster and prawns
walnuts, pistachio, brazil nuts and almonds
The common symptoms of an allergy:-
tingling/itchy sensation inside the mouth, throat and ears
Raised itchy rash (known as urticaria, nettle rash or hives)
Swelling of the face, around the eyes, the roof of the mouth, lips, tongue (known as angioedema)
A food intolerance is not the same as and allergy. People with a food intolerance may have a digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, and sickness.
The important differences between food intolerance and an allergy:-
A symptoms only occur a few hours after food
You need to eat larger amount of food to trigger an intolerance rather than an allergy
Unlike an allergy, food intolerance is not life threatening
Oral allergy syndrome is a common type of food allergy in adults. Oral allergy syndrome is triggered by fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts, the symptoms of this is tingling, itching, swelling of the mouth, lips and throat.
Anaphylaxis is a very serious reaction to an allergy, if anyone has an anaphylaxis reaction then call an ambulance immediately.
I know of eight people who have allergies. My best friend is allergic to grass, pollen, trees, her cat, rats, and rabbit, but she loves animals so she has suffered most of her life with these allergies, her eyes swell, she coughs and sneezes, she has been known to come out in hives, all of which have had an awful effect on her, until she took
My sister-in-law has an intolerance to tomatoes, she had been suffering for months, every time she had tomatoes she became very sick and tired, she would have diarrhea, sickness, and felt very bloated she is so much better now that she has cut out eating them, and takes a few tablets in order to be able to go out and eat in restaurants as tomatoes are in so many foods.
What I have given the 2 people I have told you about is healthy starter pack vitamin b complex proactazyme pau_darco_lotion vitamin c alfalfa grapine nutri-calm these have been great products that have helped the people with the allergies. It is good to know that you are helping people deal with a horrible problem
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