Wednesday 27 March 2013

Toxins, ingredients, nutritional supplements questions and Our response

Please see the above link which explains how harmful some nutritional supplements can be, I have asked Nature Sunshine to confirm that the supplements that I am promoting are not harmful.
This is the response....hope this helps

The Maltodextrin in our products is derived from Tapioca Root or Maize. We do not use GMO ingredients in our products.

The company’s global sourcing of raw materials ensures that the highest quality products are chosen from each harvest
 season. After being harvested, these materials are shipped to the manufacturing facility, where they are subjected to a series of in-depth quality control tests to ensure purity, potency and cleanliness. Nature's Sunshine meticulously tests all of the raw materials we receive. Our QA testing continues throughout the entire production process. In all, we use more than 300 tests and procedures to ensure the quality of the raw materials we use and the finished products we sell.

I hope that helps

Tracey Madden Why is multodextrin on the ingredients if you were to put tapioca root instead, you wouldn't have people asking questions like this

Tracey Madden Please can you confirm that these products are certified USDA organic, and not using GMO products.....

Nature's Sunshine-uk Hello Tracey,

Please see the below information in relation to our Organic Standard:

The term organic refers to a growing method of plants that does not utilize any synthetic chemicals. Our own extensive farm auditing and raw material testing process
es ensures that our herbs meet organic standards. Because of our own strict internal testing, we do not pursue third party organic certification for any of our finished products. The organic certification process is primarily for marketing purposes. 

NSP is committed to having the best supplements. When applicable, we purchase organic-certified ingredients. However, several ingredients are not candidates for organic certification. Plants that are wild-crafted are not grown on farms, and hence cannot be certified organic. We obtain several herbs from outside of the U.S.; very few countries outside the U.S. have any kind of standard for organic certification. We only partner with suppliers that meet our strict quality standards. We inspect our suppliers’ facilities to be sure they are meeting our standards. Our own extensive farm auditing and raw material testing processes ensures that our herbs meet organic standards.

When you purchase our products you can be guaranteed the product contains no residues from fertilizers or pesticides or other types of contamination. Organic certification from an independent organization does not necessarily mean high quality. Organic can still be contaminated. The real proof is in the testing, which NSP does to ensure no lead, arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, microbes, contaminants, toxins, etc. Because of NSP’s strict quality assurance practices, you can be assured that we provide the highest quality products with the highest purity standards. 

Quality is a factor that sets NSP apart from the competition. Our supplements are manufactured in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility under the strict current Good Manufacturing Practices. We have multiple in-house quality control labs to ensure our raw materials and finished products are of the highest quality. NSP is NSF International certified. This is a Registration by NSF International that NSP is in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) as set forth in NSF/ANSI Standard 173-2008, Dietary Supplements, Section 8. These requirements are consistent with the published GMP regulation for dietary supplements as defined in 21 CFR § 111, which was published by the FDA in May 2007. In addition to being NSF certified, our facility is inspected by USDA, FDA, and Australia’s TGA. Our manufacturing facility is TGA certified, which means we meet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration Pharmaceutical Standard requirements—the highest standards in our industry.

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