Monday 21 October 2013

Kidney infection - what can you do to help yourself

Today I have heard radio adverts about 'kidney cancer' If you see blood in your urine then consult with your Doctor. This is a story close to my heart as 12 years ago I got a phone call from a very distressed Grandfather to tell me that my Nan had been diagnosed, (If I new then what I know now, then maybe we could have helped her so that she didn't have to go through radiotherapy and be left with taking tablets in order to go out of the house without worry of bowel trouble. She has been left eating very plain food as the radiotherapy has caused her problems with her stomach - but on the bright side she is still with us).
The PHE (Public Health England) have said that the rise in Kidney/Bladder cancer patients is due to an unhealthy lifestyle - smoking and obesity. Early diagnosis drives the death rate down. (My Nan had never smoked and was quite fit). Professor Kevin Fenton PHE says it is very simple, go to your GP if you have the following symptoms:- Blood in the urine
                                 Needing to urinate more frequently, or suddenly
                                 Pain whilst urinating
                                 Pain below the ribs that won't go away
                                 A lump in your stomach
These are the signs to watch out for but it could be something less serious, A kidney infection is very painful which is caused by bacteria travelling up from the bladder to one or both the kidneys. A kidney infection is called pyelonephyritis this is more serious than cystitis which is common infection of the bladder and makes urinating painful. If a kidney infection is treated then it will not cause any harm, but left untreated then this can cause kidney damage.
A kidney infection can come on within a couple of hours the symptoms include fever, sick, shivery and you can have back pain or pain in your side.
Contracting a Kidney infection is very rare, it is believed that about 830 cases are recorded each year in the UK.
The best way to prevent an infection is to drink plenty of fluids, practice good genital hygiene.
Due to my Nan having one of her kidney's removed I have given her juniper and parsley combinationEchinacea blend extractCapsicum, garlic and parsley,
I hope that this information is helpful and would like your feedback
Many thanks

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