Friday, 29 March 2013

Why we need protein

Proteins are an important part of your bones, muscles and skin. Proteins are in every living cell in our bodies.
Protein performs many functions:- Helping to break down food for energy.
                                                    Building structures
                                                    Breaking down toxins
Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids. The Human body can break down amino acids but not others.
Proteins we get from meat and other animal product (complete protein) contain all the amino acids we need.
Protein from plant products are incomplete protein, you would need to eat a variety of plant products to get a complete protein:- peanut butter and bread
                               rice and beans
Your body needs protein when it wakes in the morning, The body has used up the protein from the previous day helping our bodies break down food for energy, breaking down toxins, even while we are asleep.
You can get it another way via supplements,a simple shake in the morning which is how I get my protein every day.

Flax seed - The reasons we should be taking it

Flax seed play an important role in healthy, plant based diets due to their unique nutritional properties.
Flax seed  are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, lignans and fibre.
Flax seed is still being researched it has been linked to reduced risks of cardiovascular disease and even certain cancers.
There was a study in 2011 (published) found the association between consumption of flax seed and reduced risk of breast cancer.


Thursday, 28 March 2013

5 ways to make excercise a habbit

5 Ways to make Exercise a habbit

Woman runs through mud

Proper nutrition through a balanced diet and appropriate food supplementation lays a great foundation for health. But it will only take you so far.
For optimal health, regular exercise is a must. Although "regular" is much easier said than done.
Even though most people recognize the need for exercise, making and keeping an exercise habit is challenging for a lot of us. Here are a few tips to help you develop this essential habit.


There’s no one “right” way to get your exercise, so don’t feel like you have to lift weights or run for miles each day. Exercise can be anything from walking briskly around your neighborhood to dancing in your living room. 
If you don’t like doing certain activities, calling it “exercise” won’t make it any easier. In fact, you’ll be even less likely to keep at it. Find an activity that you enjoy and stick with it.


Most people jump right into their next fitness routine and go full bore for 45 minutes to an hour, and then within a week they've already given up because they’re too tired, sore and miserable to want to do it again.
Don’t let this happen to you! Ideally, you’ll want to exercise for 20-30 minutes a day. When you’re first starting out, however, go for 10 minutes at a time.  Set smaller, near-term goals that you know you can reach to build your confidence and your stamina. As you become more accustomed to regular activity, increase you workload accordingly. 


Whether it’s a quiet soak in the tub, a night out, or a sweet snack—don’t go overboard here—you’ll want to incentivize your exercise routine by rewarding yourself with a special treat. At first you might set rewards just for having exercised.
As you get into your habit, reward yourself for reaching certain milestones or achievements.


Make exercise a priority by scheduling it for times with minimal distractions. If you know your friend usually calls around 6 p.m. and that they’ll talk for an hour while you work on getting dinner ready and help the kids finish their homework, then don’t schedule your exercise for 6:15. 
Things will always come up—that’s just part of life—but by limiting interruptions, you’ll greatly increase your chances of sticking to your habit. 


We’ve all heard that misery loves company. Well success does, too. Finding someone to exercise 
       with, whether it’s your spouse, a friend, or even your kids, is a great way to strengthen your        commitment. Developing any good habit—not just exercise—can be a challenge, but having a plan makes it 
        much easier to tackle.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Toxins, ingredients, nutritional supplements questions and Our response

Please see the above link which explains how harmful some nutritional supplements can be, I have asked Nature Sunshine to confirm that the supplements that I am promoting are not harmful.
This is the response....hope this helps

The Maltodextrin in our products is derived from Tapioca Root or Maize. We do not use GMO ingredients in our products.

The company’s global sourcing of raw materials ensures that the highest quality products are chosen from each harvest
 season. After being harvested, these materials are shipped to the manufacturing facility, where they are subjected to a series of in-depth quality control tests to ensure purity, potency and cleanliness. Nature's Sunshine meticulously tests all of the raw materials we receive. Our QA testing continues throughout the entire production process. In all, we use more than 300 tests and procedures to ensure the quality of the raw materials we use and the finished products we sell.

I hope that helps

Tracey Madden Why is multodextrin on the ingredients if you were to put tapioca root instead, you wouldn't have people asking questions like this

Tracey Madden Please can you confirm that these products are certified USDA organic, and not using GMO products.....

Nature's Sunshine-uk Hello Tracey,

Please see the below information in relation to our Organic Standard:

The term organic refers to a growing method of plants that does not utilize any synthetic chemicals. Our own extensive farm auditing and raw material testing process
es ensures that our herbs meet organic standards. Because of our own strict internal testing, we do not pursue third party organic certification for any of our finished products. The organic certification process is primarily for marketing purposes. 

NSP is committed to having the best supplements. When applicable, we purchase organic-certified ingredients. However, several ingredients are not candidates for organic certification. Plants that are wild-crafted are not grown on farms, and hence cannot be certified organic. We obtain several herbs from outside of the U.S.; very few countries outside the U.S. have any kind of standard for organic certification. We only partner with suppliers that meet our strict quality standards. We inspect our suppliers’ facilities to be sure they are meeting our standards. Our own extensive farm auditing and raw material testing processes ensures that our herbs meet organic standards.

When you purchase our products you can be guaranteed the product contains no residues from fertilizers or pesticides or other types of contamination. Organic certification from an independent organization does not necessarily mean high quality. Organic can still be contaminated. The real proof is in the testing, which NSP does to ensure no lead, arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, microbes, contaminants, toxins, etc. Because of NSP’s strict quality assurance practices, you can be assured that we provide the highest quality products with the highest purity standards. 

Quality is a factor that sets NSP apart from the competition. Our supplements are manufactured in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility under the strict current Good Manufacturing Practices. We have multiple in-house quality control labs to ensure our raw materials and finished products are of the highest quality. NSP is NSF International certified. This is a Registration by NSF International that NSP is in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) as set forth in NSF/ANSI Standard 173-2008, Dietary Supplements, Section 8. These requirements are consistent with the published GMP regulation for dietary supplements as defined in 21 CFR § 111, which was published by the FDA in May 2007. In addition to being NSF certified, our facility is inspected by USDA, FDA, and Australia’s TGA. Our manufacturing facility is TGA certified, which means we meet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration Pharmaceutical Standard requirements—the highest standards in our industry.

Why take Vitamin D???

Vitamin D has several very important functions...It helps to regulate Calcium and Phosphate in the body.
A lack to Vitamin D can lead to bone disorders or even rickets in children (which is becoming more common   in todays world is terrible).
Bone pain and tenderness as a result of a condition called Osteomalacia (in Adults).

We get most of our Vitamin D from Sunlight on our skin.
You can find Vitamin D Oily fish, such as Salmon, Sardines and Mackeral,
Fortified fat spreads
Fortified breakfast cereals
Powdered Milk

Most people should be able to get Vitamin D through a balanced diet and Summer Sun. (please protect with sunblock)

The population that will find it harder to get the right amount of Vitamin D

  • all pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • babies and young children under the age of five 
  • older people aged 65 years and over
  • people who are not exposed to much sun, such as people who cover up their skin when outdoors, or those who are housebound or confined indoors for long periods
  • people who have darker skin such as people of African, African-Caribbean and South Asian origin

Monday, 25 March 2013

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Cauliflower - seasonal superfoods

Five reasons to eat cauliflower

1 - It may help to protect against breast, bowel and bladder cancer thanks to it containing glucosinolates natural planet chemicals that boost cancer busting enzymes.

2 - It's rich in Fibre so helps keep your digestive system healthy and prevents constipation.

3 - It's good for you heart, containing a variety of heart-healthy nutrients including antioxidants and vitamin K

4 - It's great for waistlines - and 80g serving (one of your 5 a day) provides just 22 cals

5 - Its not just good for serving with Sunday roast - try adding it to stir-fries, smother it with cheese sauce for a tasty supper or serve raw with dips, like Gwyneth Paltrow does.

Why should we detox? Please you must all read this

I was told the other day by a Nutritionist that the reasons there is a rise in breast cancer and prostate cancer is simple, its the way we eat, live and breathe....I was really interested in the Why so I have taken notes and really want to share this information with you, as I think everyone should know..

There are 2 levels of toxicity:-

Internal -   Normal metabolic processes including free radicals
                 High Acid diet
                 Slow Transit time
                 Thoughts and emotions

External -  Pollution
                 Chemical Exposure

External Toxicity - We have over the past 50 - 60 years developed tens of thousands of chemicals that we use every day, these pollute our bodies and environment  Many of these are POPS (Persistent Organic Pollution) which don't break down, and accumulate in our bodies and our environment.


Plastics -  bottles, cling film, storage containers, packaging, children's toys, bags, equipment, cars.
Toiletries - make-up, shampoos, cleansers, moisturisers, soaps, hair dyes etc.
Household cleaners - furniture polish, bleach, surface cleaners, room deodoriser, oven cleaners, detergent etc.
Garden Products, Slug pellets, weedkiller, black spot, green fly and other bug sprays.
Outgassing - paints, soft furnishings, flame retardant finishes, solvents, varnishes etc.
Enviromental pollution - car fumes, power stations, aircraft exhaust, pesticide drift, manufacturing waste etc.
Drugs - legal and illegal, impact on liver function and interfere with bodies own detoxification systems.
Heavy metals - vaccinations, air pollution, fish, contaminated water, cosmetics, cigarette smoke and dental amalgam
Water - chlorine, floride, thihalomethanes, salt and arsenic, radium, aluminium, copper, lead, mercury, cadmium, barium, hormones, ie, hrt, drug residues ie, beta blockers, statins, nitrates and pesticides.


Make the right choices........Chemical free household cleaners, and toiletries,  pesticide free food,  Organic gardening, Herbs not drugs.

Have a diet rich in alkaline forming foods. Plenty of fibre. Have a positive attitude. Ensure that your body systems are balanced and working well. Undertake a regular detox (2 - 4 times a year)


Individual packed bags containing Psyllium Hulls, Digestive health,  Liver health, Kidney and bladder health, Circulatory health.
Helps promote normal bowel function, Tonifies the colon, Reduces Intestinal discomfort, Cleansing and toning, Supports all channel of elimination, colon, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, respiratory, and lympatics. Aids digestion, stimulates circulation, blood purifier, adds to fibre, improves elimination.

How to use:- Take 1 pack before eating 2 to 3 times per day
                     Drink plenty of water with each pack
                     Continue until all packs are used      Its that simple.


Before you start, lighten your diet, take milk thistle a few days before you start the detox, take magnesium a few days before to ensure that the body has plenty of alkalising, Ensure plenty of antioxidants.

During the Cleanse, keep taking the milk thistle, magnesium and antioxidants, Use liquid chlorophyll in about half of your water. (I take mine with juice in as well as I don't really like the taste)

Liquid chlorophyll helps to balance body ph, water tastes minty, natural deodoriser, and blood cleanser.

After the detox take probiotic Eleven a combination formula of friendly gut bacteria.


MSM helps to open up the liver detox pathways
VITAMIN C the main detox vitamin
FIBRE helps to bind toxins and carry them out of the body TNT and LOCLO

US LIST Heavy metal detox, Yeast/fungal detox, Enviro detox




Good clean, pure water. At least 2 litres per day, flushes through toxins and rehydrates the body.
The ideal is reverse-osmosis filtered to remove all toxins, chemicals, drugs etc.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Why do we need calcium

Why Do We Need Calcium & How Do We Get It?

Calcium is a part of many vital biological processes in your body. It plays a role in maintaining a healthy heartbeat and regulating neurotransmitters necessary for brain functions. About 99 percent of the body's calcium is stored in bones and teeth, and your body will "borrow" the stored calcium from bones as necessary for its myriad purposes. Calcium's most well-known function is its role in bone formation and its ability to work in tandem with other nutrients to strengthen bones and teeth.


Those with the greatest calcium needs are young people, pregnant women and seniors. Children and adolescents have a higher need of the mineral because their bones and teeth are still forming or growing. Pregnancy engenders a higher calcium need for the skeletal development of the fetus, and pregnant women may require additional calcium to offset their own bone loss, the "Journal for Perinatal Education" reports. Seniors may need more calcium to prevent osteoporosis.


A deficiency in calcium, also known as hypocalcaemia, can cause problems ranging in seriousness from numb and tingling fingers to cardiac arrest. A long-term deficiency is particularly damaging and is associated with mental retardation and skeletal abnormalities. A chronic deficiency can also lead to losing significant amounts of calcium from bones, leaving them weak and more susceptible to fracture.


Dairy products are a good source of easily absorbed calcium and include milk, cheese, yogurt and sour cream. Many people are lactose intolerant, however, in which case soy milk fortified with calcium can be substituted. Many store-bought foods are now calcium-fortified, including many breakfast cereals and some brands of orange juice. Salmon is high in calcium, as are most meats, and calcium is also in spinach, peanuts and almonds.


This formulation was created recognising that each mineral depends on the other for proper assimilation in the body.

Calcium is essential to the health of bones, teeth and muscles, and it plays an essential role in blood clotting, nerve conduction and many cellular functions.
Magnesium activates more than 300 enzymes in the body and with Calcium, affecting nerve and muscle functions. More than 80% of the natural magnesium in grains is lost by removal of the germ and outer layers, which happens in food processing.
This combination also includes Vitamin D, known to work synergistically with Calcium, as well as Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper and Boron.
Two tablets provide the following nutrients in the SynerPro concentrate base:
  • Vitamin D 2.5μg
  • Calcium 400mg
  • Phosphorus 250mg
  • Magnesium 200mg
  • Zinc 7.5mg
  • Copper 1mg
  • Boron 0.5 mg

Friday, 22 March 2013

Let food be your medicine

Liquid chlorophyll have you discovered it

Have you discovered the benefits of liquid chlorophyll? Entirely natural and ideal for vegetarians, but great for everybody, the composition of liquid chlorophyll is identical to that of hemoglobin apart from its central atom which is magnesium rather than iron. Taking liquid chlorophyll can increase red blood cells and help to transport more oxygen around the body. It helps fight infection, promotes the health of digestive, circulatory, immune and detoxification systems and acts as an antioxidant. All this and fresh breath too! 

Are you having trouble sleeping???Do you want more energy??

Are you having trouble sleeping? Are you tired, moody or feeling low? Perhaps you are lacking energy or craving all the wrong foods. My free online lifestyle analysis is a simple way to find out where your body weaknesses lie. All you need to do is answer a series of straightforward questions taking around 10 minutes of your time. Only you will get to see your results  unless you choose to share them, and you will be advised which products can help you to improve your health. I am always happy to discuss the results with you privately if you wish.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

9 Reasons why you're not losing weight

I found this a very interesting page so thought I would share with you all......

If you would like help then please visit my site

What do you have in your medicine cabinet???

What do you keep in your medicine cabinet? Mine has never contained much more than a few plasters, paracetomol and arnica until recently when I discovered Silver Shield. In liquid form it is great as a gargle, disinfectant, and water purifier,and can be taken every day to prevent viruses. The gel is great for killing surface germs on the body, healing of wounds and for preventing wound infection. Colloidal silver is also used in hospitals to sterilise equipment and to aid recovery.

  • Nature’s Sunshine’s Silver Shield is safe and effective
  • Its fine particle size colloids ensure maximum efficiency
  • This product is completely non-toxic
  • Potent germ barrier and surface cleanser
  • Use as a water purifier
  • Just 1 teaspoon (5ml) provides a full 90mcg (18ppm) of pure silver without heavy metal contamination

DO you need help? circulatory system

Named because Butchers used it to clean their cutting boards, this herb has a long history of use by many cultures.
Traditionally, the herb was taken for the circulatory system as Butcher’s Broom contains important flavonoids (natural substances that strengthen capillary walls) such as rutin.  It also contains saponins, which offer a variety of benefits.

Brain protex - helpful for people over the age of 50

Brain Protex is rich in potent antioxidants chosen for the brain and is especially helpful for people over 50 years of age.
Brain Protex contains the herb Ginkgo biloba in a blend of phosphatidyl serine, choline, ethanolamine and inositol, as well as the powerful antioxidants lycopene and alpha lipoic acid.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Did you know???

Did you know 4 out of 5 people have parasites 

Black Walnut has protein, iodine, chromium, potassium, maganese, Vitamin A an Vitamin C
Its a mild laxative, cleansing, Anti-parasitic, blood cleanser, blood sugar stabiliser, topical uses, fungal infection, sores, gum disease and rashes.
It oxygenates blood, High iodine levels help thyroid. It can vurn up excessive toxins and fatty healthy materials, it can help lower chlorestorol.

You should use black walnut everyday (as I do) and it is great with the healthy starter pack to detox/cleanse

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Help nourish your immune system

This is the Key System product for the immune system, and this formula provides generous levels of antioxidant  vitamins A, C and E along with Zinc and Selenium. Designed to help maintain a healthy immune system this combination contains essential nutrients, and includes whole food sources of micronutrients for immune tissue.
  • Defence Maintenance helps nourish the immune system
  • Contains essential nutrients and includes whole food sources of micro nutrients for immune tissue
  • Contains Vitamin A, which contributes to the normal function of the immune system, and the maintenance of normal skin, mucous membranes and vision. It is also used for the maintenance of normal iron metabolism
  • Contains Vitamin C, which contributes towards a reduction in tiredness and fatigue and the normal functioning of the immune and nervous system. It is used in the protection of cells from oxidative stress, normal collagen formation and increases iron absorption 

Healthy lung function helps protect the body from airbourne substances

Nature’s Sunshine’s long-standing herbal combination is a Key System Product, providing balanced nutrition for the respiratory system.  Using only the finest quality ingredients formulated by our own team of expert nutritionists, herbalists, pharmacognosists and biologists, and manufactured to pharmaceutical standards, we guarantee to bring you the best there is.

  • Fenugreek & Fennel Combination is the Key System Product providing balanced nutrition for the respiratory system
  • This is a traditional formula used by nutritionists for the respiratory system 
  • It provides specific nutrients to nourish the lungs.  Healthy lung function helps protect the body from seasonal airborne substances
  • Also available in an alcohol free liquid extract suitable for children aged 6 years and older

Give your bowels a helping hand....

A process of elimination!  This very popular Key Product is a unique formula of vitamins, mineral and herbs to maintain a healthy intestinal and digestive system.  This clever combination provides elements that encourage the proper flow of waste, with added ingredients for a soothing effect on the digestive system. 
  • Bowel Build is the Key System Product for the intestinal system, and contains key nutrients and plant extracts perfectly balanced for the healthy digestive system.
  • Many health experts agree that the cause of most chronic health concerns is a toxic colon
  • Bowel Build supplies enzymes and vitamins formulated for the healthy digestive system
  • This formula provides betaine HCl to aid digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract
  • Contains Psyllium Hulls and Chlorophyll to provide fibre and bulk, which in turn encourages the proper flow of waste
  • Althea and Ginger have been added for a soothing effect on the digestive system

Monday, 18 March 2013

Master Gland - One of the key system products

A Key System Product that contains a full complement of essential vitamins and minerals including antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, combined with specific herbs that are rich in easily absorbed trace minerals, to supply the glands with nutrients. Vitamin C contributes towards a reduction in tiredness and fatigue.

  • Master Gland is the Key System Product designed specifically for the glandular system
  • Contains Vitamin A, which contributes to the normal function of the immune system, and the maintenance of normal skin, mucous membranes and vision
  • Contains Vitamin C, which contributes towards a reduction in tiredness and fatigue and the normal functioning of the immune and nervous system. It is used in the protection of cells from oxidative stress, normal collagen formation and increases iron absorption
  • Contains Vitamin E, which contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
  • Contains Pantothenic Acid that contributes to normal mental performance and energy yielding metabolism  

Milk thistle good for the liver

Milk Thistle provides a consistent supply of antioxidant Silymarin to the liver.
The liver performs 500 plus functions, including filtering and destroying toxins in the body. Providing it with proper nutrients allows this essential organ to function at top capacity. Nature’s Sunshine recommend using Milk Thistle for a few weeks before a cleanse and 2-4 times a year to maintain a healthy liver.

Know your poop
Since it is intestinal health month, we decided to graphically bring you health information concerning probably the most important part of the whole intestinal system Poo.  Poo really is no laughing matter. Much can be learned about your intestinal health, and your overall health for that matter, by the state of your feces.
Everything from the shape, size, smell, color, could indicate disease, poor diet, or something else. Even the color and smell of your urine can give you a hint about your overall health. And since the average human will produce 9,000 pounds of poo over their lifetimes, this should help everyone.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Helps to maintain a healthy intestinal system

The ancient Greeks used the hulls of black walnut to support the intestinal system and the skin. Herbalists classify black walnut as an astringent because it is rich in tannins, which have toning properties. Black walnut also contains bitter compounds. Through the ages, it has proven to be an effective yet gentle support to the intestinal system. 

  • Helps to maintain a healthy intestinal system
  • Supports the immune system in its battle against invaders
  • Soothes irritated tissues
  • Rich in Tannins which have toning properties, helps to maintain the look of healthy skin

Did you know????Having problems loosing weight

A low fat diet, or problems with fat digestion, may result in a deficiency of a vitamin A. This is because it is absorbed into the body with fats, so problems with this, or a deficiency of fats in the diet result in low levels in vitamin A being absorbed.
Carotenoid blend can help

Natural health enthusiasts have focused for years on beta-carotene, a carotenoid found naturally in fish oil, carrots and other sources. Many members of the carotenoid family such as lutein and lycopene have been shown to have a positive influence on health.

Although individual carotenoids offer distinctive health benefits, their synergistic effects may increase their potency and range of benefits. These include powerful free-radical quenching ability. Nature's Sunshine has created a special blend of carotenoids mimicking the ratios in which they are found in body tissues.

Each capsule of Carotenoid Blend contains 80% of the E.C. RDA of vitamin A as beta-carotene (4,000 IU). Other carotenoids included are betacarotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, phytoene, phytofluene and astaxanthin.

Great Business opportunity - USA EUROPE UK 
Why not take a look at this great business opportunity, its free and it doesn't hurt to keep your options open....You can take this opportunity in most countries, USA, EUROPE just take a look


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