Wednesday 3 July 2013

Food allergies - how can this help you???

Allergies are very common in todays world, in Britain 1 in 4 people have an allergy and in the last 10 years it has got worse.

An allergy is caused when our immune system mistakes protein found in food as a threat to the body. It releases chemicals to fight an infection, and to stop it taking hold,, it is the chemicals that our body releases that causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
In children the food that commonly cause the allergic reaction:-

tree nuts

The majority of children with allergies have a background of eczema in infancy.

In adults the common cause allergic reaction:-

apples, pears, kiwi and peaches
potato, carrot, celery and parsnip
crab, lobster and prawns
walnuts, pistachio, brazil nuts and almonds
The common symptoms of an allergy:-
tingling/itchy sensation inside the mouth, throat and ears
Raised itchy rash (known as urticaria, nettle rash or hives)
Swelling of the face, around the eyes, the roof of the mouth, lips, tongue (known as angioedema)

A food intolerance is not the same as and allergy. People with a food intolerance may have a digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, and sickness.

The important differences between food intolerance and an allergy:-

A symptoms only occur a few hours after food
You need to eat larger amount of food to trigger an intolerance rather than an allergy
Unlike an allergy, food intolerance is not life threatening

Oral allergy syndrome is a common type of food allergy in adults. Oral allergy syndrome is triggered by fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts, the symptoms of this is tingling, itching, swelling of the mouth, lips and throat.

Anaphylaxis is a very serious reaction to an allergy, if anyone has an anaphylaxis reaction then call an ambulance immediately.

I know of eight people who have allergies. My best friend is allergic to grass, pollen, trees, her cat, rats, and rabbit, but she loves animals so she has suffered most of her life with these allergies, her eyes swell, she coughs and sneezes, she has been known to come out in hives, all of which have had an awful effect on her, until she took

 My sister-in-law has an intolerance to tomatoes, she had been suffering for months, every time she had tomatoes she became very sick and tired, she would have diarrhea, sickness, and felt very bloated she is so much better now that she has cut out eating them, and takes a few tablets in order to be able to go out and eat in restaurants as tomatoes are in so many foods.

What I have given the 2 people I have told you about is healthy starter pack vitamin b complex proactazyme pau_darco_lotion vitamin c alfalfa grapine nutri-calm these have been great products that have helped the people with the allergies. It is good to know that you are helping people deal with a horrible problem

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